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Content warning for this chapter:S/A

Please skip this chapter If S/A Makes you uncomfortable, or is triggering. I apologize dearly.


NEXT DAY after getting ready for school (its friday,,, YAYYYy))

 I grabbed my keys, my knife, and my Walkman (maybe more if ya want. I do not care) as I rushed out the door, only to find my car wasn't there; and neither is that nice car that's always parked across from my apartment. Shit. I must have left it at school. I rolled my eyes. I guess I'll take the train. I walked to the train station.

As I arrived, I scanned the crowd. Sketchy people covered in funky smells, Mormons talking to uninterested business women about religion, Grandma's, highschool students, interns, but most importantly, Kennith and Chad are here. Oh joy. I sighed and leaned against the structure that signified that this is a train station, silently praying that they didn't see me. The train arrived shortly after. As soon as the doors opened, I ran in, and went to the farest seats from them. Half of the crowd came in (including Kentith and Chad), and seated themselves. Kennith and Chad stationed themselves diagonal from me, clearly not noticing me. My heart is thundering. I looked away. ABORT ABORT ABORT. I looked at the doors. They close. OH GOD. I'm stuck with them. I looked down the aisle. Everyone is on the opposite side. Oh no. My gut dropped. I gripped my knife in my pocket, as if it would give me security.

I tried to breathe quietly, but to my demise, it was not working. I eavesdropped on their conversation. They're talking about the teachers they hate, so on and so forth. They don't seem to notice me. I feel myself relax a tad. We are only three stops away from school. I put on my headphones, purposely leaving one off. I have a mixtape with all of my favorite songs in there right now. I pressed play. We stopped, and a few people got off. The doors closed again. I heard a snicker come from Kennith and Chad. Oh god.

A piece of crumpled paper hit my leg. More snickers emitted from the pair. I felt my heart drop into the pit of my stomach. I glanced at them. They stared back at me, malice painted all over their faces. I slowly put on my headphones and looked away. I can still feel their eyes boring into the side of my skull. God we only have one more stop. My leg started bouncing up and down impatiently. I can't help it. God, I can hear them talking about me. They keep throwing paper at me. 1 paper, 2 papers, 4 papers. Just leave me alone. As soon as I saw the bus stop, I grabbed my stuff, and bolted up. The doors opened. I bolted out, running as far as I could from the train station.

The moment that I felt as though I was a safe distance from the two goons, I stopped running, and started walking. The school is about 10 minutes away. I'll be okay for now. I leaned against a nearby fence. I really need to calm down. My legs quivered as I slid down the fence. I took a few deep breaths before continuing my walk to school. Though the thought that the pair could have followed me and could be right behind me never truly went away. I sped up. As though they were. You can never be too careful.

I thought I was just being paranoid, until I heard the faint sound of quiet chuckling. Their chuckling. I whipped around. I was right. They're a good 10 feet away. "Fuck." I muttered. I turned around and started running as fast as I could. Given, that wasn't as fast as it would be if i didn't have this stupid bag with me, but it was fast enough. I spotted my school, and made a run for it. I'm gonna have to hop the fence.

I made a run for it, tossing my bag over it and well. Hopping the fence. Why the fuck should i describe hopping a fence? Everyone knows how to hop fences. Dumbass. Anyway I jumped the fence. And ran to the school. But oh fuck. Can we have a good day today? No. There's a good 30 minutes until school starts today. And I have to spend it hiding from those ASSHOLES. I don't even get to eat breakfast. Again.I walked to the bathroom. Gross I know, but they don't know that I hide in there. I think. Hopefully. I went to the back stall, and closed the door. I sat on the top part of the nasty ass toilet. I slowly put my walkman in my bag, making sure to pause the mixtape. They can't know I'm in here, even if it means I have to sit in silence. I heard footsteps in the hall. Fuck. The footsteps entered the room. "Are you sure he went in here?" I heard someone ask. FUCK. "Yeah, definitely. If you don't believe me you can check somewhere else"

"Alright then." Chad left the room. Oh god. I felt the world spin around me. He absolutely can not know I'm in here. I glanced at the lock. Oh shit. The door is unlocked. "I know you're in here, fag." I heard the doors open, one by one. Slowly approaching me. I slowly placed a foot on the ground. It made a noise. I immediately put it back up. He chuckled. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I put my hand over my mouth. He stopped for a second, before walking up to my stall. SHIT. I started looking for an exit. There wasn't one. I can't get out of this. A tear escaped my eye. The door opened. It's Kennith. His expression was just pure evil. I slowly put my hand down. He slowly walked in, closing the door. "Are you seriously crying? How pathetic." He grabbed my collar, dragging me off the toilet and pinned me against the wall. I struggled desperately. He chuckled. "Quick struggling fag." He pins my arms above my head. "Let me go." I pathetically whimper. Body filled to the brim with panic. He brought his face closer to mine. "After that little stunt you pulled yesterday? Absolutely not." He growled.

I struggled as hard as I could. He placed his leg between my thighs. More tears escaped my eyes. "Stop!" I barked. "No." I heard some footsteps enter the bathroom. "HELP!! HEL-" He put his hand over my mouth. "Shut up." He threw me on the ground in front of him. His jeans are tight. Too tight. SO uncomfortably tight. I went out. I have to get out. He brought his hand down and slowly started unzipping it. "Hello?" A curious voice questioned from outside the door. The door slowly opened. It's Michael. I literally couldn't feel more relieved. Kennith removed his hand from my head. "What do you want Afton?" I stayed on the ground. "Is.. everything alright in here?" I shook my head. "Yes. Get out." Michael glanced at me. "Hey [Y/n], Wanna walk to class with me?"

"He can walk on his own." I stood. "I would love to." I walked past him, grabbing his arm. He followed. "Are you okay?" I ignored him. "(Y/n)..?" I let go of his arm and stomped away, I twisted and turned corners, until I was in a quiet corridor. No one is around. I leaned against the dusty lockers, crumbling to the floor with the lingering feeling of Kennith's hands around my wrists.

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