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{Y/n pov}

      The next Monday was miserable. I tried to make myself small and unnoticeable. Invisible. It's the only thing that could even work; Yet I'm still being harassed. They won't leave me alone. Especially Kennith. He's acting like he didn't do what he did. I have science with the bastard next period. And I am dreading it with every fiber in my body. But for now, I only have to worry about Chad. I have never been happier to be harassed by him. And only him. My leg shakes up and down. Antsy.

     I can feel him throwing shit at the back of my head. Snickering. Oh I wish I would be saved by the bell, but the bell can't save me. The thought of having to sit next to that fucker for an hour straight is miserable. More miserable than today. No one else is in that class. Except for... Michael. He's in that class. But I doubt he gives rats ass about me. He only ever talked to me because of the project. The stupid.. Fucking..




     My eyes widen at the sound. I desperately don't want to go to science. But I have to. My skipping last Friday was unacceptable. I have no choice but to go to this class. Sure, I'm making my own income just fine. But education is crucial. I slowly started packing up my stuff. Hoping to be at least late. I'd rather be a little bit late than skipping. I ended up being early though. Fuck. No one else is here except for my teacher. Mr Caulstien. I hate him. And he hates me. I'm sure that the counselor that he sends me to at a minimum once a week has convinced him to be fair with his grading towards me; considering I have an A in this class.

      I slowly walked to my assigned station. The station in the far back corner. He had the audacity to sit me next to Kennith. Stupid fucking Kennith. I hate him. I hate this class. I hate the stupid fucking. UGH. The teacher glares at me. Not even noticing the students flooding in. I glared right back. My attention on Mr Caulstine gets stolen by a familiar brunette walking in with the flood of people. He smiles at me, walking in my general direction. He sits in the seat in front of me. "Hey (Y/n)!" He says in a friendly manner. He seems genuinely excited to talk to me. Why though? I don't understand

     ".....Hello Michael." I say with confusion. He leans onto the table. "How was your weekend?" He says with a kind smile. I chewed the inside of my cheek. He's being oddly friendly. Did I do something wrong? Fuck. "Good..How was yours..?" I replied quietly "Good! Do you wanna hang out later..?"

     "....I have.. Work later.. Maybe another time?" I smile softly. He nods in understanding. "I would love that." He smiles in return. "Shit.. Class is about to start.. See you at lunch?" My smile widens. "Sure..!" He waves goodbye as he gets up and sits in his seat. Kennith isn't here yet, but everyone else is. I know he's here today. I know what he's doing. I know where he is. I know what he's doing, and I'm glad that he is late. Even if he comes eventually. Which he will do inevitably.

Absolutely not. ~{ Michael Afton x Male Reader}~Where stories live. Discover now