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     The entire day has been a blur. We're currently in science. And Michael isn't here. He just isn't. I think I know why, but I don't want to admit that I could have driven him away. Or that I did. It's my fault that he's gone... or maybe.. Kennith did something..? He's quiet. Strangely quiet. He's not trying to pull anything either. The bell rings. At least I can go home. I stand, only to get sat back down. Silence. Everyone leaves. "..Go on. Stand up." Mr Caulstine ignores us, and clears the chalkboard. Kennith grabs the back on my neck. "Stand." I shakily stand up. Breathe hitching. He leads me away into the parking lot.

      I don't say a word. He pins me against a wall, facing away from him. "You are going to drive home, as though this never happened. I will be following. Don't pull anything." He leans in closer. "Am I understood..?" I nod. He lets go. "Good." He walks away. I slowly turned towards where he was. He's walking to his car. It's familiar. The... Toyota corolla. . I get into my car. I feel genuinely sit as i turn the ignition.

-Time skip.-

     When I get there, Kennith is already parked. He probably took a shortcut. I'm less surprised that he knows where I live, and more disgusted. I already knew that he knew; but something deep inside of me wanted to believe that one of his buddies knew instead, and he was just being creepy about it. Believing this was somewhat better than thinking that he had been in my house. Trying to forget was better. Pretending it never happened was better. Living in ignorant bliss was better. Thinking that stupid Toyota Corolla that is parked outside of my house every single goddamn day was just one of my neighbors was better than this. Better than watching him peak at me through my own windows

      I make eye contact with him. (Quick a/n; Gross bc eye contact is evil.) He motions for me to get out of my car, but I don't want to. Fear seeps into my body. Settling in my gut. I feel like if I go in there, I will never be the same again. Nothing will be normal anymore. I know that after finding those photos, nothing was going to be normal anymore; but compared to this? It seems less bad. It felt less permanent. I slowly unbuckle my seatbelt, and hop out of my car.

     I slowly walk to my apartment. I know he's in there. I don't know what he wants, or what he expects from me. I stop before my door. I can feel myself shake. I can't bring myself to open it. I feel my heart sink into my gut. I'm scared. It's quiet. Too quiet. I slowly bring my hand to it. What will he do to me if I don't go in...? What will he do if I take too long? I sigh. Trying to muster up as much courage as I can. I slowly turn the knob.. And enter.



MWAAHHAAHHAHHAHAHHA cliffhanger B)) Ya'll will have to wait (most likely)


-Author B)

Absolutely not. ~{ Michael Afton x Male Reader}~Where stories live. Discover now