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Cw for abuse (kenny boy. Fuck him. He can go die cough cough.) 

Three different POV's lets gooooo. (im so unbelievably exhausted)

Btw this takes place a couple days later. Anyways. ENJOY IG. Idk. This is kinda shit. 

Michael POV.

"Michael..?" I lift my head from my school work. Haru is leaning on the counter across from me. "Yeah?" He sets something infront of me. "I found this under the counter... I think it belongs to that friend of yours.. (Y/n) was it? Could you return it?" I frown. "Oh.. yeah. I can do that.." He smiles. "Thanks..! I have to go to work." He comes around the counter to give me a short hug. I fake a smile. "Bye papa." I hum. "Bye Mikey!" Haru walks away. Soon he is gone and I am left home alone.

To be completely honest, I don't want to see him. Maybe it's because I know that something is still.. Wrong. Maybe it's the fact that he pushed me away. I don't know. I sigh. I'm worried. I look down at the item he left. He left his lanyard. I'm a little surprised that he hasn't asked for it back, or even noticed its absence. Or maybe he did.. I wouldn't know. I haven't seen him at school in the last couple of days. I stand. I'll just take it to his apartment.

(Y/N) Pov.

I slowly tiptoe away from the couch. Attempting to get away from the overwhelming and sickening smell of food. I attempt to sneak into my room. "(Y/n)... Where are you going..?" Kennith looms over me. "..... I'm tired.." He sets his hands on his shoulders. I HATE. It. I resist the urge to shove him away in order to avoid his anger. "Hm.. Why don't you wait..? I made you food..~" His hands travel down to the strange place on my ribs. "Oh... you didn't have to--" His hands get more aggressive. "You need to eat." I don't want to eat what he made me; but I don't want to get hurt. He will hurt me if I don't. "...Okay." I reply. He immediately gets less tense. "Good.." He starts to lead me back to the couch. Two bowls of soup sit on my ottoman. The room looks a bit cleaner. I start to shake. This looks staged. "Sit.." He commands. All I can do in this situation is obey. I slowly sit down. Kennith grins; and pats my head. Uhhhhh.. Fucking wack. Anyways. I slowly slink away from the strange affection. I don't know what he was trying to do with that, but whatever it was; it certainly did not work. He sighs and sits next to me; picking up a bowl. I scoot away a tad. "(Y/n)... come closer.." I try to grab the other bowl.


I yelp and retreat. My hand stings. I look up at Kennith. "I told you to come closer.. Didn't i?" He coos. I shakily nod. Simply doing as I'm told. I hate it. I hate it so much. I just.. I don't want to get hurt. I get a few inches closer. He waits. "You know where I want you to sit." He coos gently. I don't want to. "Kenn-" He grabs my face. "Sit. Now. I'm not making you." I feel myself shake a bit harder. He lifts the bowl of soup that he's holding to make room for me to sit on his lap. He waits a bit longer. I slowly sit in it. I hate it. I hate his legs. How they feel. I hate how he calls me a good boy and rubs my back. I hate his hands. I hate him. He touches my ribs. He holds up the spoon. Is this fucker really going to feed me? Yes. Yes he is. I fucking hate him. He thinks it's cute, but to be honest it's kinda.. Yuck. It makes me cringe.

"Open your mouth." He hums. Holding me in place. I avert my eyes. I hate this. I slowly open my mouth. GROSS. I hate him. He puts the spoon in my mouth. "Swallow." I try not to make a face as I swallow. It tastes... Wrong.




I feel wrong. Kennith shoves me off of him. "Shit." He huffs as he stomps over to the door. I slowly curl up. My stomach turns. The door opens. "What." The room falls silent and tense. "Um.. Is...(Y/n) here..?" I feel bile rise in the back of my throat. I shakily stand and run to the bathroom.

No one POV.

Michael nervously stands outside of (y/n)'s apartment. Waiting for someone to answer. The door creaks. Kennith looms over him. "What." Oh fuck. Michael thinks to himself. Clutching (Y/n)'s lanyard in his hand. The atmosphere is so thick that one could cut through it. "Um.. Is...(Y/n) here..?" Michael sheepishly asks. In the background, (Y/n) stands up and rushes away. He looks disoriented.. But most importantly battered and bruised. "No. What do you want?." Michael averts his eyes for a second. "Uh... Um.. (Y/n) left his lanyard at my house a while ago.. And I thought he might want it back..?" Michael made sure to add the "a while ago" in order to possibly not get (Y/n) hurt. "I told you to stay away from him." Michael swallows. In the background, someone can be heard violently throwing up. "I.. I know.. Um--" Kennith rips the lanyard out of Michael's hand. "Fuck off." The door slams in his face. 

Absolutely not. ~{ Michael Afton x Male Reader}~Where stories live. Discover now