{Y/n Pov}

      After an awkward exchange with his unreasonably attractive other dad, we walked to his room. "So... where's your little brother..?" I asked, fidgeting with my (h/l) hair. "He's with my little sister at their D&D group." I whispered a quiet 'ohhh' as we walked up stairs. He has a little sister? Huh. We silently entered. His room is a bit more messy today, but whatever. It's not my room.

-Time skip to around when they're halfway through finishing the project.-

     Suddenly a loud crack rang outside the house. Thunder. I jumped up to look outside. It started downpouring. Oh shit. I slowly turned. Michael is directly beside me. I jumped. "Uh- Hi." I muttered. He looked at me. "Uh... It's raining pretty hard.." I nodded. Please tell me that you can drive in the rain. "I wish I could drive in the rain.." God damnit. I twirled my hair (or lack thereof. I'm not judgin') ".... Let's wait it out. It ought to stop raining eventually!" He said optimistically. I smiled awkwardly. We sat back down to continue our project.

-Time skip around two hours and 45 minutes later.-

     "I guess it's still pouring outside." Michael said, looking out the window. It had gotten dark outside. I sighed. "Let's go downstairs, yeah?" I nodded. I stood up, and we walked out. As we walked downstairs, the smell of food being cooked filled the air. We walked downstairs.

     Haru and William and in the kitchen. Michael looked a bit uncomfortable. He breathes in a bit, and confidently strolls up to the island counter. I stood behind him, honestly nervous. "Hey dad? Papa? Are either of you able to drive my friend home? It's raining." He said a bit awkwardly. He can ask his parents for stuff? He just. Asked. Casually. I stared. "Of course!" Haru said enthusiastically. He turned his attention to me. "Let's eat first though. I wouldn't want to send you home with an empty stomach!" His smile spread. I nodded. William sits at the table while Haru quickly sets it. Haru walked to the foot of the stairs "Evan! Lizzie! Dinner!" He yelled, after that he simply walked back into the kitchen to finish dishing up plates.

     A young girl with fiery red hair bounced down the stairs, followed by the same young boy from before. They're talking about D&D. "And i was thinking that in our next campaign i could be Lady Elaith Ravanelis, Y'know my level 18 Half-elf barbarian? I wanna draw her!" I had absolutely no clue what she was on about. She had a heavy British accent. She ran through the kitchen. "Hi papa." She took a seat at the table. Evan sat across from her. "But what about Dearwaen Blazingdelver? You always play as her" Haru handed out food as everyone else sat at the table. I sat next to Evan. "Looks delicious, my love." William mutters hap haphazardly. Haru sat on the end of the table across from William.

     The drive home was quiet, beside the quiet pop playing on the radio, and the rain outside. It was very pleasant. I leaned on my right hand, letting myself relax. I love the sound of rain. I love rain. The way it smells, the way it feels, but i especially love (if you don't then uh... I guess it's uncomfy? Idk. If you don't like the sound of rain, I doubt you exist. Anyway.) It was only slightly awkward. I silently gave Haru directions to my apartment. His inviting demeanor is very intimidating to me, yet I have an aching sense that he is very similar to me. I desperately want to talk to him, ask him something, have a conversation. But what if I say something weird? What if he secretly hates me? He drove down my road. "Ah- Turn right" I stuttered. We eventually got to my apartment. "Have a good night (y/n)! Sorry for keeping you so late, your parents must be so worried!" He gave a sheepish smile, showing more piercings. He has so many. I smiled in return. "It's alright. I don't live with them anymore." I un-buckled my seatbelt. "Thank you!!" as soon as i exited the car and bolted out, trying to get to my apartment as fast as possible.

     I rushed inside and shut the door. Panting. I feel okay.. I'm okay. Everything is okay. I assure myself. My legs shake a bit. I'm cold. I slip off my shoes and wander into my room. Its a bit crusty.. Considering where I live and all.. But I make it livable. My room is filled with decorations that make my room feel safe. Comfortable. I slip out of my wet clothes.



     I ignore it and slip into bed. Its all warm.. And soft.. And comfy. It's not long before I slip into a comfortable sleep. I hear a door creak open as I go fully unconscious.}

     In my dreams, I'm enveloped with comfortable warmth that never lasts onto the next day....A familiar breathing on top of my head. I have this dream every night. It's very nice..... But it feels too real.

Absolutely not. ~{ Michael Afton x Male Reader}~Where stories live. Discover now