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This one is longerrrrr. still shit. not good. at all. sorry guys. maybe its the 1 hour of sleep thing. i dont know. but im trying to run off of the kenneth is a fucking creep thing.

anyways. here it is. for some context, they ended up not being at (y/n)'s bc y/n is being paranoid, and rightfully so. i skiped a wwek and a halg.

Anyways. enjoy

(Y/n Pov)


    Silence... "Y/n..." I slowly open my eyes. Michael stands over me. "The bell rang... Are you okay..?" His tone is quiet. I sit up. "I'm... Okay.." I share a smile. He smiles back. "You look tired.." I nod. "....Mid-terms.." I lie through my teeth. It's Kennith. He's been inside my apartment. Watching me. It's wrong. It's disgusting. How can I sleep knowing that he can get inside of my home? That he has watched me sleep..? It's horrifying. ".... You should go home and take a nap."


    "No buts. I'll even drive you." I sigh. "Okay okay fine.." I shakily stand up, and he stables me. He helps me walk out. Escorting me to his truck. He drives me home.

3rd person.

    (Y/n) fell asleep in Michael's truck as he drove him home. It's lunch right now, so it doesn't matter that much that they left.  Michael parks, trying to be quiet. It's a bit difficult, but he manages to not wake (y/n) up. He hops out; easy to get (y/n) out. Michael holds him bridal style. Making extra sure to be careful. He knows something is off with (y/n) lately. Not sleeping. Extra jumpy; more jumpy than usual. Being extra late to certain classes. He can barely even find him outside of class. Especially after the bathroom incident with that... guy.. Michael doesn't remember his name, but whatever he was trying to do to (Y/N) In the bathroom fucked him up. Out of context it sounds creepy that michael cares so much. But in his defense, they've gotten closer. He's close enough to know that something is wrong. Not too close. (Y/n) Is too closed off to have him that close. (Y/n) slinks into Michael's chest as he walks. Even though (y/n) tries to push Michael away, he still cares. All he can think right now is "Thank god. He's asleep." He uses (Y/n)'s lanyard to enter.

The first thing he notices when he enters is how dark it is. The curtains are literally stapled to the walls. All doors open. It seems like the closets had been rummaged through. The only mess that looks recent is the fact that the trashcan was tipped over, and a singular polaroid was left behind. Michael shuts the door behind him and decides not to investigate. He delicately navigating to and through his room. His room is the darkest. The natural lighting seeping through the living room windows gives it enough light to *slightly* see. Blackout curtains are taped to the windows. Michael hasn't been here since last week. He didn't even go inside. They ended up going back to Michael's. He frowns and sets him in the bed. Making sure to tuck him in well. "Sleep well.." He mutters as gently. Michael leaves.

    He gets back to school just in time for lunch to end. He doesn't mind. He just rushes to class. There's only a few periods left of the day. Currently he's in math. Class starts, and he takes notes. He's always been a good student. His dad never had to be hard on him for good grades, and neither did his mom before she died. They were hard on him for not being a better older brother. Scaring his siblings half to death with his fathers creations maybe wasn't the best move. Now all he can do is protect them from the creations. He leans into the palm of his hand.

    The rest of the day drones on painfully. It's so... boring. The entire time all he can think about is (y/n) and his well being. The final bell rings. Maybe he'll drop by on his way home. Michael stands. Everyone packs up and leaves. SLAM. A seemingly unfamiliar face (Kennith.) slams his hand against Michael's desk. "Hey." Michael turns. "Need something?" He asked. The mysterious guy eyes him. Michael has seen him before.. In the bathroom with (Y/n). He looked so uncomfortable. The way he walked off. The way he was freaking out. Michael stares. "Yeah.. Come with me." Michael doesn't move. "Here is fine." He grabs michaels wrist. Not taking no for an answer. Michael struggles.

"Dude what the f--" Michael gets pinned against a wall. No one is around. "Shut up" The guy spits at him. He smells heavily of tobacco. "Wha--" The guy slams the locker next to Michael. "Listen to me." Michael bites back some angry words. He's silent. "Stay away from (Y/n)" Michael is confused. Is that it? He doesn't even know the fucker. And now he's spitting in his face? Not fair.  "Excuse me? What the hell do you mean by-" SHINK (or other knife sound effects.) Michael feels a cold sharp blade press against his neck. He tenses. "I'm not repeating myself Afton. Am i fucking clear?" He adds some pressure. Michael nods. The guy darkly chuckles. "Oh come on. Be a big boy and use your words." His tone is sickening. There's something clearly wrong with him. ".....Wh.. Fine.. I'll stay away."

That's the last thing he will be doing. "I will know if you don't." Michael furrows his brows and shoves him off. Kennith (the guy) falls to the floor with a grunt. There's a moment of silence before Michael runs off to his truck. He needs to check on (Y/n). Something is wrong. What if something happened to him? He didn't lock the door. He should have locked the door.

He ignored his friends when they tried to greet him. He'll have to explain later. Michael gets in his truck. ZOOOOOOOMMMMM. He has never been so frantic-- well.. He has. But not in a long while.. He is going to immediately disobey "The guy's" orders.

(Y/n pov)

I jolt awake at the sound of my front door opening. "Y/n??" A frantic voice calls out. It's Michael.. Michael...? MICHAEL? In my house? Fuck. I stand too fast. He enters my room. Michael sighs in relief. "Are you alright? Did anything happen? Is that g--" I set a hand on his shoulder. "Woah-- slow down. What happened?" I ask. His panic is making me panic. "This guy--... he.." I click on the lamp. Sitting. He paces around a bit before turning to me "...(Y/n) Are you sure you are okay?" I pat the area next to me. "Yes. What happened? You have a cut on your neck." He rubs the mark. Sitting next to me. "...Do you remember.. What happened in the bathroom..? The guy that.. Was in there with you...?" I feel myself tense up. Kennith. Its always fucking Kennith. His stupid fucking hands. I hate him. I hate him i hate him i hate him. "....Kennith...? What about him..?" My voice gets quiet.

"He asked me to stay away from you. He literally dragged me out of history to tell me to stay away from you." My eyes widened. "He held a knife to my throat and.... Yeah.. I just wanted to make sure you're alright." I make eye contact with him. ".... Michael.. You should go.." I don't want him to go; but I'd rather not get him hurt. I barely know the guy, but there's no point. "What..? (Y/n).. There's something seriously wrong with him.. You could get h--"

"You're going to get hurt worse. You should go." I state. Putting on a strong face. I can see the hurt in his face. I'm basically rejecting him.. ".... Fine." He mutters out before leaving. Shit... I may have just fucked this up. We barely had anything going. He barely even knows me. I don't see why it matters to him so much.. But.. it still hurts to know i may have just fucked this up.




anygways goofnihghht. Love ya;;ll.

-Author man.

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