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DannyPOV. In Los Angeles

"Alright what do we have?" I ask Baez

"Nothing much. I think its time to go and check out that tree house."

"Okay I guess we should get started. Maybe we should move home base to Yuma considering it is a four hour drive between Yuma and Los Angeles."

"Maybe partner but we can go check out that tree house tomorrow. I have to go to this pizza shop with my son today."

"Really why?"

"Well, apparently he meet some form at UCLA who works there. You can come if you want."

"Um. No thanks, that's a family thing. I will head back to Yuma today and get the location on that tree house and send you an address. I will meet you back at Yuma police department tomorrow."

"Okay see you there."


On the way to the pizza shop Still Danny POV

"Hey dad?" Yelled Jack from the backseat over the music

"What?" I scream back. Linda just looks at me and rolls her eyes and turns down the music

"Exactly how long are we going to be in California?"

"Um well." I not exactly sure. "I not sure bud. The way this case is going, I might be here into the school year, but you and your brother will go back go back home to go to school."

"Oh. Okay."


"No reason. I just wanted"

I look at Linda and turn the music back up, so the boys can't hear what we are saying

"He wants to know how much longer he can be with that girl, not how much longer the case is going to take."

"Danny, he is just a kid. Leave him alone. You can't tell me you weren't like that."

"I know but still" Linda just laughed it off. Parking was horrible so we parked like a block away and walked. It was in the high 80s so it was nice. When we got there it was pretty busy. Jack immediately started looking for that girl he met. He said she worked here, so i assumed she was the one behind the counter taking people's orders. We waited in line and when we got to the counter the girl said "Hi Jack! Glad you could make it! The restaurant closes in like..." she looked at her watch "50 minutes, we can visit when it closes." She took our order and gave us a number to put on our table. 7...a lucky number. I looked at her as we were walking to our table, some how she looked familiar.

When our food was ready, Caitlyn, brought over out food with a smile. She put on our table and mouthed "I will be like 10 minutes"

We finished our food and Caitlyn cam and got the trays, we were the only ones left in the restaurant. "Hey!" She said as she came over "Let me change and I will be right down."

Caitlyn POV

I was gross and sweaty from work so I decided I would go upstairs and change into half decent clothes. I kinda of wanted to look good for Jack. When I first got there the apartment was kind of a mes but it was better than the woods. I fixed it up a bit and gave it a good cleaning and now its isn't half bad. It's not luxury but I like it. I am gradually buying things for it.

I changed into a blue top that had lace selves and black skinny jeans and headed down stairs.

"Hey" I said and went over to the table Jack and his family. "I have to clear off the tables and wash them and I will be right with you." Before I could leave Mrs. Peterson came over and told me I could visit with my fiends and I didn't have to clean up. She introduced her self and then started to clean.

"So glad to meet all of you I am Caitlyn Farewell." Just as were about to introduce ourselves Jacks dad pulled his mom aside.

Danny POV

I had just realized that I forgot my badge back at the hotel and needed to go get it. I pulled Linda a side and told her and we decided that it would just be easier for me to get a head start back to Yuma. So I went in and said goodbye to the boys and left

Calia POV

Jack's dad had to go somewhere for work and left. Then he introduced me to his mom and his brother Sean. We made small talk and we talked about our plans for the Summer. I told them how I lived up stairs and worked here in the pizza shop. I had a great time and liked talking to Jack and his family.

When it was time for them to go I started to walk them out. Since Jack's dad had taken the car back to where ever he was going I told them how to take the bus back to their hotel and said I would walk them back to the bus stop. Linda and Sean were walking a head of me a Jack. Jack was telling me there was a carnival this Friday and Saturday and asked if I wanted to go with him . I was shocked but I was happy he asked. Maybe I shouldn't have said this...but I did.

Jack POV

I knew their was a carnival going this weekend because my mom looked up things that were going on in Los Angeles so we could tour around and look at things and find things to do. My brother and I wanted to go and my mom said we could. Actually to tell you the truth, my family has already gotten the hang of using the buses in California, I just wanted more time with Caitlyn by myself and I think my mom knew what I was thinking. I made the mistake about telling Sean about all he does is make fun of me and says I like her, which I kind of do. That's why I wanted to ask her to go to the carnival with me.

"So..." I said "Their is a carnival this Friday and to go with me Friday." I was sort of shocked by her response.

"Like a date?" She said

Caitlyn POV

"Like a date?" I said. I can't believe I just said that. I made a complete idiot of myself. Like a date who says that. Now it sounds like I don't want to go.

"Um...yeah I guess so" He said. This was the most awkward situation. I didn't even mean to say that it just fell right out of my mouth.

"I am so sorry that just fell out of my mouth" I said and I guess I started to blush because he just smirked at me "Of course I will go with you!" He had the biggest smile on his face. It was a pretty cute smile, too.

"It's a date then" he said jokingly

"Yes, yes it is" I said. And then I didn't expect this to happen but it did, and it felt great but he leaned in and hugged me. I just wanted to freeze time and stay there in his warm embrace forever, but the stupid bus somewhat interrupted out moment. He got on the bus with his family and sat in a window seat and waved at me as the bus pulled down the road.

A/N Okay not the best ending, but i fell it was a good chapter. I know...a lot of people thought they were going to kiss....but they didn't....well not yet anyway.

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