I Hope You Like Pizza

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Caitlyn POV

As I was walking along the streets of Los Angeles thought of the tree house my dad and I built and how I could live there. It wasn't exactly a house in a tree, more like a house connected to a tree. It was perfect it had ventilation (windows), comfort (a nice fluffy rug), and a place I could be sheltered from the weather. I would have to go all the way back to Yuma if I wanted to live there though. And I am sure there are still police everywhere.

I was still alone on the streets of LA, well not really alone because there were people everywhere, but I felt alone. I eventually pushed the idea out of my mind, that I would go back to Yuma and live in the tree house. So I continued the search for a place to live. Eventually I wandered into a little street with shops and they had small apartments above them! They looked cheep enough. I found a pizza shop and the upstairs didn't look like any one lived there so I went in.

I went up to the counter and there was a small Italian woman there. She had brown hair with blond highlights. She wore a pink tank top and mint green shorts. I actually really liked her outfit.

"Hi" I said "Are you renting your upstairs room?"

"Oh honey. That's just a storage room." She looked at me. I guess she could tell I really needed a place to live. "I'll tell you what. The restaurant closes in 20 minutes. I will talk to you when we close, but for now sit down and have a slice of pizza." I started to pull out money, but she said "Oh no, on the house. Go sit down now." And she shoved me off towards a table.

When the shop finally closed the woman brought over 2 slices of pizza, another one for me and one for her. "So hun, tell me your name." She said while she was flipping over the open sign so it would say "closed."

"Oh I'm Cail- lyn" I stared to get nervous I almost said my real name. Maybe she didn't hear me, I was speaking kind of soft, I find this a kind of awkward situation.

"Wait what's your name I didn't catch that?" She just smiled, this wasn't awkward for her at all.

Now I started to relax a bit and smiled too. "Oh sorry, my name is Caitlyn Farewell."

She came over to the booth I was sitting in and sat down and started to eat her pizza, so I didn't the same. "I have never rented the upstairs room to anyone before, I have been using it as storage. But your in luck because my husband and I were thinking about renting it out to someone."

I just sat there, not really sure what to say

"Oh, sorry my name is Felisha Peterson." She says extending the hand that is not holding her pizza. "My husband and I own this shop, but in run it. This is really my business. My husband is a real estate agent."

"Mm." I say "How much would you charge for rent, if I were to stay there?"

"I would say $200 a month, including untilities." There was a short pause. "But I could use some help here in the shop. If you work for me I will knock it down to $100 a month, so all the money you make working just gets knocked off your rent. Then I will give you an extra $50 to do what ever you want with. What you do with it i don't care. How about that."

I thought about it for a second, I have $750 left from what I brought long from the house. That would be 7 months rent. "Okay, it's a deal!" I say. "What are the hours I have to work?"

"It won't be that long, the shop is only open from 11-8 on Mondays-Fridays. And on Saturday we are open from 12-7. You will only have to work Monday-Friday. Make sure you are down stairs 9 so we can start making the pizzas and strombolis. Then when we close you will only be here about 45 minutes to clean up."

"Sounds good! When can I move in?"

"Well, you can start move in Monday, and I will give you 3 days to get settled, so Wedsday you can start work. Both my son and daughter work here over the Summer, so they will be glad to have someone new to work with. By the way, how old are you, Caitlyn?"

I quickly thought if she knew my real age she would tell me I couldn't have the upper room. But before I could think of what other age to tell her, I blurted out 18.

"Oh" she said, I think surprised to know how young I was. "My son is 20 and my daughter is 18, too. Are you planning to go to college?"

"Um. Yeah, I want to go to the community college here in LA and once I have lived here in California for 5 years I want to go to UCLA for my masters. "

"Wow! That's great that you have a plan. Patrick, my son goes to UCLA, and my daughter will be going there in the fall."

"What are their majors?"

"Well, Patrick is going for accounting. And Amy, my daughter, is going to major in Biology. What are you going to go to school for?"

"Well, I want to go for business and photography."

"Those sound like good things to go for! My daughter and I are going to the UCLA tomorrow so she can get an feel for the campus before she goes there, you are welcome to join us, since you want to go there at some point."

"I would love too!" I said as I was leaving. " Thank you so much for everything! I will see you tomorrow!"

"No problem, hun! Meet us here at the shop at 8:30 so we can get going. See you tomorrow!"

My plan has worked and I am building a life for myself. After I visit UCLA tomorrow I am going to apply for the community college and then things will be set. I will have a place to live and an education. Things are starting to go my way, but you have to watch out for what's creeping in the dark. Because things you don't know about are always lurking around corners.

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Until next time,


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