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"I SO am glad that it's the end of our first month!" Nicko remarked, while stirring the straw of his milk tea.

Three school weeks already passed and September's just three days away.

He, Elina and I were lounging in the small café near the library. It's one of our favorite hangout places in the campus. Not only does it have a quirky décor, the menu is also very budget-friendly.

"What are you guys doing this weekend? Let's have a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon at my place!" Nicko eagerly invited us.

I nodded. "I'm in! I haven't seen The Longest Ride yet."

Elina looked up from her iPad where she was furiously typing. "I can't this weekend, sorry. We'll be looking at possible venues for this semester's Christmas event."

"That's months from now!" I argued.

"I know, but this year's event is something new. Guess what we're having."

Nicko immediately quirked up. "I know! I know! You'll have a human auction of hot guys wearing Santa Claus costume!"

Elina eyed him in dismay. "Really, Nicko? All you think about are hot guys!"

"Hey! I'm not the only one here thinking about them!" He nudged me on the side.

Elina joined him in ribbing me. "What's the update in the Lorenzo front?"

I blushed. "There's nothing to tell, really. You already know that we're groupmates in our Theology class, thanks to this guy." I glared accusingly at Nicko. "Aside from that, nothing new."

That day in Theology, Nicko immediately texted Elina the news, or the G.O.D (Gossip of the Day) as he liked to call every significant (and insignificant) events in our lives.

"Plus," I continued, "he and Kally are a thing."

"Kally? Kally Villar?" Elina inquired.

"Yes, you know her?"

"I know that Lorenzo and she go way back in their high school days. But as to their relationship status, they don't really say much about it. All we can do is hazard a guess."

"They do look cozy together though," I stated my observation.

We fell silent as we pondered on that.

Nicko, the ever optimist and devoted believer of fairy tales, suddenly slapped the table. A number of café patrons looked at us. "Don't you worry, baby girl! We still ship the Lorenzo-Cindy tandem!"

"I agree! I can see it sailing soon!" Elina added, raising her hand as if in a demonstration rally.

"Thanks, guys. Even though I know that it's somehow impossible, I'm glad to know that you have my back."

"You can thank us more by introducing us to Lorenzo's athlete friends when you become a thing." That was Nicko, of course. "Swear by the girlfriend's code!"

I pretended to pledge solemnly. "I, Cinderella Marie Dizon, do hereby promise that I shall introduce Nicko and Elina to good-looking guys I may have the good luck of meeting in the future."

All three of us dissolved into fits of laughter. This is why I love my crazy friends.

"Anyway, back to the Christmas event," I said after we finally caught of breaths.

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