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"Another day, another adventure! Yes to all, yes to life!" I merrily told myself in the mirror. And today is an adventure indeed. Today's the inter-university track and field competitions!

            This is my first time watching a school sports event live. Add that to the fact that Lorenzo is competing makes me doubly excited. I even bought a new school shirt with our trademark blue eagle. Blue for gold! is emblazoned on the back.

            I texted Lorenzo to see how he's doing. I know that their team has been up since early this morning to prepare. "Hey you! How's our champion runner this morning? J"

            I was surprised that he replied immediately. "Feeling good. I'll win this for you. ;)"

            Me: I'm sure you guys will win! Btw, why are you texting now? Don't you have exercises or something?

            Lorenzo: Short break. Wanna know something?

            Me: What?

            Lorenzo: I found that thinking about you gives me more energy than drinking loads of Gatorade.

            Me: Hahaha! Oh my god, are all athletes that cheesy?

            Lorenzo: Admit it, you smiled at that! :D

            Me: Say more things like that and you'll be Eden Cheese's poster boy.

            Lorenzo: So who has cheesy jokes now, huh? Hey, I gotta go. Captain's calling! See you later, princess!

I grinned like a fool as I read our message thread over again. I looked at my blushing cheeks in the mirror and smiled some more.

As it's a sunny day and Lorenzo said that the event runs for more than a few hours, I decided to put my hair in a practical braid.

I checked my desk clock to see that I still have an hour before I have to meet my best friends at school. We agreed to split the cab fare from the university to the sports complex rather than take one long train ride and two buses for the commute.

I whistled a tune as I made my way to the kitchen. There's a catering job for a wedding this afternoon so the kitchen was already bustling with preparations even if it's just 8:00 AM.

"Good morning, everyone!" I greeted happily.

"Hello, dear. Is Lorenzo's event today?" Nana Tessa asked me.

"Yes, Nana. I'll watch the games with Nicko and Elina."

"Say good luck to Lorenzo for me, okay? Has his wounds fully healed?" she asked quietly as she set a mug of hot chocolate in front of me. With the exception of Ate Nanette, everyone in the kitchen had no idea of that incident more than two weeks ago.

"Thankfully, yes. I'm just glad that you were there to stop the fight before it got worse."

We were interrupted by one of my stepbrothers calling for me. "Cindy! Mom wants to see you in the dining room. Now."

Rick, with his arms crossed and a smug smile on his face, was waiting for me by the kitchen entrance.

"What is it about?" I asked him.

"No idea." But his smirk said that he knew exactly what Aunt Merida wanted. He turned away and headed to the dining room.

I followed after him, thinking hard of what bomb my stepmother wanted to drop on me this time.

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