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"THAT WOULD be hundred bucks in total," I smiled at the customer as she handed me an exact payment.

I was assigned at the cash registry for the night; good thing it was an easygoing shift what with most of the students gone home for the day. I went back to the class notes I was reading for my midterm examination for molecular gastronomy tomorrow.

Hydrocolloids are used as thickening agents. Examples of these include starch, gelatin, pectin and natural gums.

Transglutaminase is a protein binder, also called meat glue.

One good thing about studying in the cafeteria during down times was that it does not have the somewhat eerie silence of the library. The soft humming (and usual clanking s) from the kitchen was somewhat therapeutic for me. Weird, I know, but it works.

"Hey Cindy," Jane, the new staff, called my attention. "Do you want me to take over the registry? You might want to study there in one of the tables."

"I'm okay, Jane. Thanks though." I beamed at her.

I was deep into the chemistry section of gastronomy (the most interesting part in my opinion) when someone knocked on my counter.

"Knock, knock. May I have the katsudon please?" Lorenzo asked with his usual charm. "Hi princess!"

"Hey, stranger! I haven't seen you since Monday," I said flippantly, trying so hard not to pout.

Crap, that sounded way too clingy.

Today was Thursday and we had not had the chance to see each other personally even if we both have some common break times. We texted and talked online of course but I could not help feeling a little bit frustrated. I mean, we were still in the same school, right?

"Look, princess," Lorenzo ran his hand through his hair and massaged his right temple. That was his tell whenever he was frustrated or uncertain. "I really am sorry. With our midterms next week and the upcoming debate, I really am swamped with work."

He closed his eyes and exhaled loudly, as if trying to get a load off his shoulders. At that, guilt ate at me as I noted how exhausted he looked and I was not helping at all.

I went out of our stall and stood in front of him. I held his hand and waited as he opened his eyes. "I'm sorry. I know how busy you are. I should not be adding to your stress. I just miss you."

"Princess, don't be sorry. You're the one who's actually helping me go through all of this."

"I have an idea! Next week is Valentine's. Why don't we go somewhere so we can both unwind? It doesn't have to be far." Thank God that hearts day fell on a Sunday. "I can ask for a half-day shift on my OJT. Game?"

"That's great! I actually have a place already. Cute place, you'll love it." Of course, I should have known that he had started making plans already.

"Okay then! I can't wait." I squeezed his hand in joy.

Remembering that he ordered katsudon, I asked him. "Are you having dinner now? Let's eat here?"

"Sorry, princess," he winced. "But I have a dinner meeting with the org. We're hammering down our plans for the competition. Raincheck for now?"

"Sure, no worries." I replied lightheartedly. "I'll have your dinner to go."

He kissed me goodbye as I handed him the transparent food container the cafeteria used for to-go orders.

Nana Tessa got out from the kitchen as I was settling back in my counter. "Was that Lorenzo here just now?"

"Yes, Nana. He just picked up his dinner. He's off for an org meeting."

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