Chapter Twenty Seven

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I yawn and swing my legs over the bed, smiling when I see Austin lying there asleep next to me. I press a soft kiss on his temple and start making my way to the bathroom.

I quietly close the door behind me, not wanting to wake him and start washing my face. After, I brush through my hair and brush my teeth before making my way back to my room.

To see Austin... On my phone?

"What are you doing?" I ask laughing.

"why is this girl treating you?" He asked instantly, "is this why you were all weird yesterday? Wait Kylie... That's the girl from last night!"

"Austin." I dig hand rush towards him, "it's a long stupid story."

"Well good thing I'm here for a couple days." He said, walking up and grabbing onto my waist, pulling me close to him, "what the hell did she do to you?"

"She... She thought I was into Dylan and we had a thing going on." I started to explain, "she knew for a long time that I was with you and she knows how much I love you so I don't know why she would think that."

"You told her you love me?" He said, with a smile on his face, you could see his cheeks turning red.

"Of course I did." I smile, slowly running my fingers through his hair, "I tell everyone who asks me."

Austin smiles again and looks down at the floor before looking at me again, "your everything to me."

I smile at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw before continuing, "she thought that I would cheat on you... I told her I would never ever do that but she didn't believe me. She told me I needed to stay away from him and I couldn't talk to him or anything and she said if I talked to him or like sat next to him, that you'd find out about my 'Little Game' but...."

"But what baby girl?" He asked, taking his hand in mine and rubbing soothing circles.

"I wasn't suppose to tell anybody... That's why I didn't tell you right away." I explained, "she said that if I told anybody she'd make my life a living hell..."

"She said that to you?" He sternly asked, narrowing his eyes and bring his hand to my face.

I slowly nod, "I wanted to tell you sooner but... I was scared that she would find out somehow. I told Vanessa so she can help me at school if anything happens..."

Austin slowly nods then gives me a soft smile, "you'd tell me right? If anything happened."

"Of course." I say, "I'm sorry I didn't early... I just thought that you'd get mad at me..."

He opened his mouth to say something, but then my phone started ringing. I slowly pull away from his embrace and answer when I notice who it is.

"Hey Vanessa." I smile, "what's up?"

"Hi!" She replied, "um I know you hanging with Austin and stuff but Lauren is having the crew over to hang out at her pool and said Austin can come too if you want. But it's cool if you guys want to be alone, you haven't seen each other in a while."

"I'll ask him." I giggle, pulling the phone away from my ear I ask Austin for his opinion.

"Cool with me." He smirks and walks behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, "I missed seeing you in a bikini." He whispered in my ear, sending tingles to go throughout my body.

"We'll be there." I smile, my cheeks turning bright red, "see you there."

After getting the rest of the details I hung up and got out of Austin's grip, heading to my dresser.

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