Chapter Thirty Eight

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"I'm very excited." I giggled and yawned, "and also very tired."

Austin and I were loading all of our things up into his truck at seven in the morning. I don't even know how my dad is letting me do this but I'm so thankful he is.

"I am too." He chuckled, "but we need the early start. We might need to stop and get me something to keep me awake."

"We can take turns driving. You can drive for a few hours then I can." I suggest, "then you can get at least a little bit more sleep."

"No baby it's fine." He smiled, "I drive all the way here. Driving with you in the car will be nothing. It's nice just knowing your there. Even if your asleep."

"Well." I blushed, "I want to make sure you don't pass out and kill both of us so I'm going to drive at least for a little bit wether you like it or not."

"Fine." He groans and kisses my forehead quickly, "should we say a quick goodbye to your dad?"

"Sure... But I need to make sure not to get him mad. I don't want him to change his mind."

"He can change his mind if he wants but I'm still taking you with me." He laughed, lacing out fingers together as we start making our back into my house.

"Okay good luck with that one." I giggled, patting his shoulder with my free hand.

When we walked inside, we saw my dad, yawning and putting things into bags. When the door closed his head popped up and his eyes met mine and he gave me a small smile.

"You guys ready to go?" He asked and we both nodded.

I let go of Austin's hand and gave my dad a quick hug, he held me tight and kissed the top of my head.

"Have fun okay?" He said, pulling back and I could see his eyes filling with tears.

"Dad." I laughed, "I'm just going on a vacation. Not going away forever."

"I know sweetheart. But I know how important you are to each other. I just... I know you two really have something special." He said giving me a quick smile, "I love you princess. Have fun and be careful."

"I will." I smile back, "love you too. I'll call you when we get there okay?"

He nodded and walked over to Austin, and he shook his hand slowly, "take good care of her okay? I know we've head some problems and I'm trying to move past them the best that I can. I know you make Emily very happy. So, I'm letting you have her."

"Thank you very much sir." He smiled, "I love her more then anything and I will take very good care of her. I'm not going to let anything happen."

"Also Mahone." My dad started, "I have a rule for you."


"Don't you dare get my daughter pregnant. I'll fly down there and deal with you myself."

Austin's eyes go wide, "I-I... I wasn't planning on-"

"Good. Let's keep it that way." He said with a laugh, patting Austin's shoulder before turning around, "I packed you guys a couple of snacks. It's not much but just some things so you don't have to spend so much on snacks. Also Em I gave you some money for if you need anything. Same with you Austin. I put some money in your coat pocket to help pay for gas and such. It's a long haul to Florida."

"Sir you really do not have to do that. It's fine." Austin said shaking his head.

"Just keep it." He laughed, "well you two better get going. Don't want to get duck in worse traffic then there always is."

"Bye dad." I said giving him a mother quick hug.

"Bye Hun." He smiled, "bye Austin." He said as he pulled away, he said goodbye back and soon we were walking out of the door.

"Let's go!" I smiled, pushing his ancl so he went faster, "I'm so excited! Let's go let's go let's go!" We both swung open our car doors and plopped down in our seats.

"I'm still I'm shock of how chill your dad was with this whole situation." Austin chuckled as we both started buckling our seat belts, "I expected that to be like, really awkward."

"I think he's starting to like you." I giggled, sticking my tongue out at the boy I'm in love with.

"Or he's just getting used to me." He winked, starting the car and backing out of the driveway.

"Nope." I teased, "I'm definitely right. "

"Whatever you say." He smirked, shaking his head a bit as he laughed, "God, I love you so much."

I blushed, shaking my head, "shut up."

"No." He smirks, "I'm not going to. I'm going to scream it so everyone can hear."

"Well you might want to wait because people are sleeping." I giggled.

"You really are making it hard for me to be romantic, you know that right?"

"Hey. Keep driving. We don't need to get in an accident."

"At least my last seconds would be with you."

"Who are you?" I giggled, "your so cheesy this morning."

"You love it." He winked.

"Shut up and just keep your eyes on the road Mahone."


"Do you want me to drive?" I asked him, seeing his tired eyes trying their best to stay open.

"No baby I'm fine." He replied, "I'm not even tired anymore."

"Austin you are." I giggled, "you can't even keep your eyes open."

"You don't-" he started, but was interrupted by himself as he yawned, "... Can you?"

"Pull over." I giggled.

Soon, he did and we quickly switched places, buckling out seat belts and I started driving.

"The directions will be read to you from my phone." Austin slowly and sleepy said, "please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Austin I've driven before." I laughed, "now go to sleep."

"I love you." He whispered, adjusting the pillow he brought against the window, "I really do."

"I love you too babe." I giggled as he barley knew what he saying due to the little sleep he had.

"And I know people say we're to young and don't know what we're about." He yawned, "that we don't really love each other but that's not true. I love you."

"I love you too Austin." I smile, blushing, "now please go to sleep babe. You need it."


"Goodnight." I giggled.

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