Chapter Eleven

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I shook my head, attempting to dislodge the thought from my head for now.

What did he mean by a sudden interest? Isn't that usually how it works when you meet someone? You take an interest in them and pursue to form and or maintain a relationship with them.

My brows furrowed as I tried to further decipher the words of my father.

The tone of my phone distracted me as I pulled it off my suit to check it.

It was a message.


I smiled then shook my head.

What's in it for me? I asked in response.

I will show you the way back. Came the response.

What makes you think I need to know the way back? I asked.

You are lost.

I am not lost. I responded.

Alright. Which way leads back to where you came from?

I looked around me and worried my lips. All the corridors looked the same and I hadn't even realised my dad had lead me through a forked one. Rafe was right. I was definitely lost.

Thanks, dad.

Since I would like to be friends with you, I'm going to act like I don't know. I responded, not wanting to admit that he was right.

How generous of you. Came the response.

Oh, ha ha. Where are you?

"Turn around."

I did.

Eyes of fire and coal met mine and I smiled.

"Lead the way," I said.

His lips tilted in a small smile and he led the way back. We didn't speak the whole time but when we looked at each other. Our expressions mirrored each other's curiosity.

What was he curious about?

I let out a breath when I saw a large crowd of people standing and listening to someone talk in their midst.

Our little staring contest would come to an end now.

I turned to look at him and blinked.

He wasn't there.

I looked around. Where did he go?

"Amour?" A voice called and I looked towards it, blinking.

Wolf stood a few feet away. He gestured at me to come to where he was standing. I looked around once more, before I walked towards Wolf.

"Where did you disappear to?" He asked me.

I randomly pointed around me and told him that I'd gotten lost, hiding the truth from him because I didn't need him and Freesia to exchange their usual looks again at the mention of Rafe. Wolf seemed to accept my lie and he led me towards where Freesia stood.

She threw me a questioning look, but before she could ask anything, we were all instructed to choose our educational preferences. One by one we assembled into a line and waited for our turn.

When I stepped towards a dark haired C'Riel who was holding a data pad and told him that I was interested in pursuing literature, he signed me into that course and had me give my chip ID so that my schedule could be updated for me.

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