Chapter Twenty

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Yep. I'm on a roll! Enjoy! :)


The person who summoned me for work was Anya.

As I collected my communication device and looked around wondering if I needed anything else, Anya spoke.

"You lied to Rafe's father," Anya said.

Except she didn't say Rafe, she said his name. His complete one. It took me a few seconds before I realised who she'd been talking about.

I stepped out and looked at her, waiting for the question.

She seemed to understand, lines tightening around her mouth.

"Why?" She said, her blue and white eyes sparking at me, as she stood with her arms crossed in a perfectly poised stance.

Wow, she was angry with me?

"I did what I thought was right." I said to her, crossing my arms and standing opposite her.

She just smirked.

"I do not trust you," she said.

"And what have I done to deserve your mistrust?" I asked her.

"You have done nothing to deserve my trust." She said.

I pointed at her, "But I've given you no reason to doubt me, either."

She leaned forward, "Do not think you can get away with anything."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I told her, truthfully.

Anya's beautiful eyes turned dark in anger, her hands dropped to her sides, fisting. She opened her mouth to say something, when a familiar voice from behind me said, "Amour! Here you are!"

I turned around to see Freesia heading to me from her room. She caught my arm and tugged me away from Anya.

Anya maintained eye contact with me, until I turned away.

What was her problem?

Freesia and I got into the elevator and I stayed quiet wondering what just happened.

"Wow, what was her problem?" Freesia asked.

I was genuinely flabbergasted.

"I really don't know." I said.

"Hey," Freesia said, and I looked at her, "Don't worry about it."

I gave her a small smile, "Thanks for getting me out of there."

"She looked ready to kill you." Freesia said, a flicker of worry creeping into her features.

She really did, didn't she?

I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Let's go find Wolf," I said.

"I can't believe you guys weren't allowed to eat lunch." She said.

"And dinner." I added.

Her jaw dropped open at that.

I waved my hand, "Long story."

When we exited the elevator, we walked down the corridor heading to the Hovers. We were practically the last people to assemble.

I looked around and saw Rafe standing outside one of the Hovers. He saw me and Freesia, before his eyes shifted away to someone behind us.

I turned to look at Anya and she met my eyes, a challenge shining in hers.

I watched as she crossed us and walked straight to Rafe. Rafe watched her, his face expressionless. She stepped up really close to him, her long lighter than honey hair slipping off her shoulder, as she tipped her face up to Rafe's. Then gently as a feather, she traced her lips against his jaw. Rafe's eyes were on her, even as she stepped away and got into the Hover.

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