Chapter Thirty One

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"I'm not staying," I said out loud, crossing my arm and surveying the empty room.

"Yes, you are." He called back from the CG Room.

"No, I'm not." I said, starting to step towards the exit.

"If you step out of my room, I will hunt you down and drag you back." He warned me.

I made a face, even though he couldn't see me. Then, I clapped my hands together when an idea struck.

I whipped around to see he had returned from the CG Room with a small box that looked very...marble-like. He now stood with a wary expression when he saw my face.

Before I could even say a word, he said, "What?" like he knew I had something up my sleeve.

"I have an idea-"

"I am not sure I like where this-"

I waved off his suspicions. I bounced up to him, clasping my hands behind my back and throwing him a bright smile.

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, "I already do not like where this is going." He told me.

I threw him a 'what-are-you-talking-about-pshaw!' look. I was about to start talking, when I stopped, contemplating about something else.

"What, now?" He asked.

I looked at him, "Do you realise we fight and then become normal and then fight and become normal and then-"

"Yes, I am aware we go back and forth a lot." He said, his lips twitching, "It is quite enjoyable."

I made a face at him, "Fighting with me is enjoyable?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows.

He walked to the couch and I followed, wondering if he was going to keep mum about this little revelation he'd just had. When he sat, I sat with him, pulling my knees up and hugging them, while Ryx plopped down in front of us on the floor, his eyes closing, seeming content.

He looked at my expectant expression and let out a chuckle, placed the box between us and leaned back, resting his head against the back of the couch.

"It is enjoyable because you do not mind offending me, or angering me or even," he tossed me a look, "Swearing at me."

I blinked. Had I swore at him before?

"And others do?" I asked, because, obviously, I was going to fish for more. Anything he opened up about I was going to dig more into.

He shrugged, "I do not blame them. They all fear me in their own way."

"They're scared of you?" I asked, throwing him a look that let him know how ridiculous I thought this was.

He turned his head to me and smirked.

"I will take you somewhere tomorrow and show you one of the reasons why." he said, straightening and opening the box, snapping on some gloves that had been inside it.

He took out some bandages, then indicated with a finger that I role my sleeves up. As I followed his instruction, I asked him, "Take me where?"

As he undressed my old bandages, he flicked a look at me, "To our Training Sessions." He said, simply.

Training sessions?

"What did you want to say before?" He asked me, still looking down at my arm. 

My gaze caught on his expression. It was intense, concentrated, but there was no furrow between his brows, which told me he didn't find what he was doing troublesome in anyway. His eyes were more amber than coal and his hands were sure and practiced.

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