Chapter Forty One

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I don't know how I ended up sitting on the forest ground, resting against a large tree trunk, but that's what I came  to when my thoughts were scattered by an insistent tone at my hip.

I blinked, looking down at my communication device. I pulled it out and read the message.

Get inside. It is getting cold.

I blinked. Had it gotten colder? I realised that my suit had warmed up in response to the cooler surroundings. I touched my hands to my face and realised, yes. It was cold.

I leaned my head back against the trunk and closed my eyes for sometime. I took one deep breath, then another.

I heard a beep once again, but I didn't have it in me to move. I was too comfortable. I was too...

I don't know how much later, but I felt hands on my face. Warm hands. And the most beautiful voice.


I frowned.

"Open your eyes."

I tried. Failed. I was tired. I was too tired.

I heard some mumbling and hands against the side of my neck. Near my pulse.

A few gentle taps against my face and more insistent commands had me struggling once more to open my eyes.

This time, they opened a smidgen, but they seemed stuck together. Somehow, this didn't even send me into panic. All I remembered thinking was, why wasn't I able to open my eyes?

But it didn't bother me. I could feel my heart, beating sluggishly against my ears. I felt warm breath against my cheek and movement. I think I was being lifted. I couldn't tell.

I fell back into a tired sleep.

I woke with a start when hot water scalded over me. My eyelids came unstuck and my throat cleared and I gulped air into myself.

I coughed a little and winced as feeling finally returned to my limbs. Pins and needles spread everywhere on my body as blood slowly rushed back.

I blinked.

When my vision slowly cleared, I met eyes of coal and fire, burning brightly. Wet lashes. Wet hair.

I blinked again and looked around me. I was in a bathroom I recognised from having used once before. This was Rafe's bathroom. I was also being carried by him. And we were standing under the punishing spray of hot water. I shivered.

Then I looked back up at him. His expression was dark as he looked back down at me. I tried to talk, but my throat was still a little thick, so I cleared my throat. But it didn't help. I coughed again.

I moved my feet, wincing slightly at the pain that shot up my leg at the movement. But I kept moving, out of his arms, onto the floor. Blood rushed to my head and I swayed. I caught onto the wall beside me for support as my vision darkened a little before clearing.

"You need to take off your suit." He said.

I looked up at him.

"Then you need to leave," I said, my voice hoarse. I shifted on my feet, grimacing at the pain it caused.

"I am not leaving."

I looked up at him, "I'm not taking off my suit with you in here."

My voice was still rough, scrapping out of my throat. I coughed a little.

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