Chapter Forty Eight

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I was still tossing some food into my mouth as we headed to...wherever Rafe was leading me to. I realised we were headed to Room Gigantor when we stopped at the very familiar floor. By the time we entered, I had shovelled all the food into my mouth and was chewing with a mouthful of food, wanting to leave my hands free.

Rafe shot me an amused look when he stopped to wait for me as I placed the plate into a compartment that opened up for me and walked over to press a kiss to Ryx, who was snoozing on the raised platform in the room. Ryx flicked his tail in acknowledgement, his eyes remaining closed and I turned to run back to Rafe, who held his hand out for me to take.

My heart abandoned its function for a few seconds at the perfection of this moment, where I could lock my fingers with his, tug him lower, cup his jaw with my other hand and kiss him.

Whenever, wherever.

I was about to pull back, when Rafe reminded me again about how he never did things half-way. Moving with me, he caught me around the waist with one arm, the index and thumb of his other hand lifting to hold my chin in place.

He coaxed my mouth open, lifting my jaw higher, facilitating me to best suit his needs. And his needs were mine, his darkness mine to drown in.

"I want to do this all day." I moaned, in an admission I didn't realise I had said until I did.

I could tell what I said pushed him over the edge, because I felt a sharp bite on my lip and the coppery tang of my blood coated our tongues. Blood pumped against my skin, as if fighting to burst out of me.

Instead of biting back, my hands lifted, twining in his hair to pull, roughly. I caught his groan against my lips, swallowing it victoriously.

And our violent struggle, to assert dominance of whose need was far greater, began.

When a throat cleared loudly, we jerked back. Our gaze catching, heated glares declaring that the war wasn't over yet.

When someone spoke again, in their language, Rafe ignored the C'Riel, leaning forward again, kissing my lower lip softly, almost as if soothing the wound that he'd caused.

I caught his lip, biting down. He smiled against my lips, seeming to be pleased by the reaction. Then he leaned back, pressing a kiss to my cheek, before he stepped back, only letting our hands stay entangled.

Then he caught the other C'Riel's dark bluish eyes in a hard glare.

"Next time, you will do well to remember not to interrupt us." He said.

The C'Riel's eyes widened and he immediately dropped his head, nodding at the ground.

"Sir." He said in acknowledgement of the order.

My brows furrowed and I kicked Rafe in the shin, scowling at him when he turned to look at me. I shook my head, letting him know I wasn't okay with what he just did.

He raised an eyebrow, as if saying, Tough.  

I narrowed my eyes at him before he stepped into a room, pulling me along. I stilled.

My gosh.

Every single inch of the wall made up a single screen. I watched in awe, wondering how they managed to make a screen curve around to fit a room. I looked before me, and saw that four other C'Riel soldiers stood near an infra red keyboard that didn't need a medium to reflect on. It hovered in the air.

I saw Rafe nod his head in my periphery and one of the soldiers started to speak. When Rafe shook his head, the soldier stopped, seeming to understand what my ethré wanted and immediately shifted to English. I rubbed a thumb against the back of Rafe's hand, acknowledging his gesture with a silent thank you.

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