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Holy Mary, mother of God,


The shock settled into my stomach as i watched Amarantha look to Rhysand, he looked up from where was standing and walked towards her.

"Rhys, my darling, why don't we have some fun with this one." she smirked at Eris and then looked at me. "This is your fault, just remember that."

Rhysand looked at me almost apologetically. He looked at Eris and with one sneer, Eris was down. 

He fell to his knees with his hands holding his head. His eyes were scrunched in pain as Rhysand pierced through his brain, looking for whatever he wanted. 

My chest pulled at the way Eris looked helpless in the cold floor of the throne room. I turned to look at Beron but i could not find him. Maybe he walked away, maybe he could not watch his son get tortured. 

"Please, please stop this." I called to Amarantha. "Why are you doing this to him."

"Why?" She laughed at me. "Because you disrespected me."

Eris let out his first scream. Rhysand's dark talons tearing at whatever they wanted, I know Rhys hated him with everything in him. After what he did to Morrigan.  

"Rhysand please stop this." 

Begging Rhys would only make this situation worse but at that moment nothing was processing in my head. Looking at Eris in all that pain made something click. 

As I looked at him laying on the ground, the mating bond of my second mate clicked in. It was almost like i could feel the pain Eris was feeling. 

"Stop." Amarantha shouted over Eris' screaming. She looked at the Attor. "Chain him down, I'm having fun."

The Attor chained Eris down and then grabbed the whip that was laying on the ground near the chains.

"I think 20 should be enough for today."

"No, no please. Don't hurt him, Amarantha please." I would give anything for her to let him go. "Please, Amarantha."

She just smirked at me as I begged for my mate. She lifted her hand at the Attor and the creature lifted his arm with the whip to bring down the first lash.

The whip came down at a blazing speed onto Eris' back, he closed my eyes before i could see the pain on his face. He let out a pained roar at the whip hitting his back. 

As the Attor kept slamming the whip down on Eris' back, i tried to beg the red headed queen to let him go but she ignored me as i had to listen to the pained noises coming from second mate.

"Stop." She finally said. "I think the prince has had enough."

Eris slumped to the ground when the Attor finally stopped. His back looked to just be blood at this point, his skin was whipped to shreds. 

"Take them both to the cells, I have had enough of the two of them." 


We were thrown into the same cell, luckily. I think this had more to do with Rhys then Amarantha actually having some mercy on us. I pulled him onto my lap, being careful of his back.

"I'm sorry I did not tell you early." He said though heavy pained breaths. "I... I know you have that shadow singer already but it clicked a couple months ago."

"Eris we can talk about this later." I smoothed his curly hair out of his face. "You need to relax, let your healing begin."

A light smile covered his face. "Don't worry about me."

"Still, try and sleep."

I began to run my fingers through his hair trying to put him to sleep. He closed his eyes but not before he took my hand into his and brought it up to his lips.

After a while Eris had finally fell asleep, he looked peaceful like this. His breathing had slowed down and it looked like his back had began to heal over. 

"Another mate."

"Rhys." I breathed in shock.

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