Chapter 10

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Kayleigh’s POV

It was already tomorrow; Rach and I were going out at 12 to go shopping around town. And Justin and I were going over to his place to talk. The more I thought about all of this, the more I wanted him. A lone. I know he has a girlfriend, Selena who was drop dead gorgeous but, I still wanted to be with Justin. I for sure had feelings for him. I hopped out of bed, I skipped over to my dresser, pulling out my short shorts, a white bandeau top and my netted purple crop top. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then taking a shower. I hopped out of the shower and blow-dried my long hair then straightening it. I applied my normal make up; mascara, eye liner and a little foundation. I threw my aviators on and walked down stairs, it was already 12, I grabbed my car keys off the counter and left my mom a note;

“Went out with Rach to go shopping around downtown, I won’t be home for dinner, but isn’t dad coming home tonight? I’m sorry I won’t be around. Love you

 xoxoxoxo Kay.”

I sent Rachel a quick text telling her I would be there in about 5. I pulled out of the driveway, blasting the radio. I was bobbing my head to ‘Scream and Shout’ by Will.I.Am and Brittney Spears. I pulled into Rachel’s driveway. She was already outside waiting. She hopped in and turned the radio down. And, the questioning begins.

R: “So.”

K: “So what?”

R: “How did Justin Bieber find out where you live?”

She sounded a little mad, I don’t know why.

K: “Well, after I was the OLLG, Justin whispered in Allison’s ear that he wanted to ask me a question. So Allison told me to come back. Then when I told you I was going to the bathroom, I went backstage to see what he wanted ask me. He brought me into his dressing room and asked me for my phone number, he told me he wanted to get to know me. We hung out yesterday at the beach and then watched movie at his place. Then my mom asked if he wanted to come over for dinner and he said sure. Then later tonight at 7:30 I’m going to his place for dinner and to just talk.”

R: “So you have Justin’s phone number?”

K: “Yeah. But you can’t have it.”

We hopped out of the car and walked toward the sidewalk.

R: “Why not?”

K: “Because I don’t have a right giving away his number.”

R: “Whatever, but why didn’t you tell me?”

K: “Because, I know you would freak out.”



She hit me playfully. We continued to walk into store after store.

“Hey Rachel.”


“Do you think I should get an outfit for tonight? Like something casual but cute?”


She grabbed me and dragged me into every store. We looked around. I wanted something hot, but not too obvious. I know he likes short shorts, so I know ill look for a good pair of those, maybe some new heels. We looked around Hollister, I found the cutest shirt, and it was a lace button shirt that came to right above my belly button & tide at the bottom. This was the shirt. It was so adorable. I bought the shirt, and next we went into H&M. I was looking for short shorts that were high rose. I found one pair that I fell in love with, they were frayed with studs. Next were the shoes. I went to the shoes section in the back of the store. I was looking for a black heel. They had a wide variety. I was scanning ever aisle until I found these cute pumps. I rummaged through the boxes to find my size they had one left. I quickly grabbed them and the shorts. I went into the changing room and tried the whole outfit on together. I walked out and spun around.

“That is so cute!” Rachel jumped up and down. I knew I had to get these. We went to the counter and paid. Rach and I walked arm in arm down the streets. She defiantly took this a lot better then planned. We went out to get a bite to eat, at my favorite restaurant, Fridays.

“Table for 2 please!” The lady nodded escorting us to out booth. We sat down and ordered out drinks.

“So,” Rachel gave me a look, “Is Justin as sweet as he seems?”

I looked back at her, “Yeah, he gave me his clothes because I forgot a change of clothes after the beach.”

“AWE!” Rachel screamed.

“After we eat, we need to go to another store, I wanna get Justin something.” I was thinking about buying him a new pair of sweat pants and a new shirt since I had his. Our drinks came. Next we ordered food. I wanted my usual, a buffalo chicken wrap with out lettuce. I hate lettuce.  Rach and I just talked about one thing, Justin. I refrained from telling her that me and him kissed last night. Also that I was developing feelings for him and I wanted him all to myself.

We finished up our lunch and headed out to the next store. I know Justin shopped here because of the tag on his sweatpants. I looked around to see if anything caught my eye and spoke ‘Justin’. I then saw a pair of zebra sweat pants. These were the ones I needed to buy, Justin would so wear these. I looked for his size. It’s really wear I know what size Justin wears. Next was a shirt. I figured I would just by him a white t-shirt. It was getting late, by the time we left the last store it was 4 o’clock. I dropped Rachel off at her house and headed home. My mom was in the living room reading:

“Hey mom, did you get my note?”

“Yes honey. Why won’t you be around for dinner?”

“Well, me and Justin are getting dinner at his place.”

“Just you and him?”

“Yes mom.”

I went up stairs and laid on my bed. I was really tired for some reason. I decided to take a cat nap before going to Justin’s.

Believe (A Justin Bieber Story) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now