The perfect date (the end)

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The next date will be in an escape room. However, it has a small twist, they can only leave if they realize their love for each other.

Eri bought them personally to the escape room and took their things.

" Eri I need my gun." Koko whispered angrily in her ear and let an 'ew' out.

" This is disgusting, you got all your hot breath on me. Do that with Dad over there when you're doing mattress sports. And about the gun, I can't have you guys destroy your wait out." With that, she pushed them both inside, and they seemed to be inside a bike shop?

" That brings memory's back." Seishu whispered and looked around. It looked a little like their hideout, just with a few more things inside.

" What are we even searching." As if Eri could hear them -which she could-, her voice came through the speakers.

" Hello Dad and father dearest, you guys are searching for something that starts with L and ends with ove! I'm not letting you leave until you find it in each other."

Koko glared at the speaker and Seishu let a sigh out.

" Eri I'm getting too old for this, let's leave Koko here and get ice cream." Koko looked at him in betrayed.

"Sorry can't do that dad, however we can do this after you realized the love you have for each other. I can see it, hot burning love with so much desire. Oh my this reminds me of myself and Chifuyu." Eri's voice stopped, and it seemed like she was now on Chifuyu's ass.

" Well then, are you helping me break the door down?" Seishu gave him a nod.

It was now a few hours later and Eri's eyes were beginning to close. They tried everything and didn't seem to realize that the door wouldn't open.

" Guys, this is getting boring, the door will not open itself. Can you like just realize your love?"

Koko looked at the speaker angry and began to yell, " Eri let us out I had enough, I played all day along with you."

" Ugh, why can't you just be honest with yourself! Is it really that hard to say you love him?!  Dad, why can't you say it?! I know that you love each other! You're only making this harder for yourself! Is it really that bad letting the other know that you love them?

The last words seemed to get to them. They both took now a seat and didn't talked anymore.

" Fine if you wanna be this stubborn, evidence number one."

A small door opened itself and Seishu took the thing out that was inside there. It was a picture of him in the bowling alley and Koko blushing.

" What..." Koko also looked at it and let a groan out.

" This is getting ridiculous! Eri be sure that after this I'm sending you to a boarding school." She didn't say anything anymore.

" Let's get this over with.." Koko heard Seishu whispered and looked at him confused.

" What are you talking about?" Seishu let a sarcastic laugh out at that.

" We have been friends all our life's, and you truly never felt like that?" Koko looked shocked and couldn't get a word out.

" Of course not, you were too busy loving my sister of a ghost." Eri looked shocked at the news and got her popcorn out and pressed in record. A wedding gift was expensive.

" You never saw me like that did you? You never realized that I have been in love with you since we were children." Koko now looked at him angry.

" Inupi stop with this nonsense, we don't need to feed into Eri's hallucinations." Seishu punched him at that. Eri looked at them with widen eyes. She got déjà vu's.

" I'm not feeding into anything! This are my true feeling but you just don't want to accept them! After the fire you followed after me everywhere I went!" Koko looked up at him and saw him breathing heavy.

" Is it really that hard to believe that I am in love with you." Seishu leaned against a wall and didn't look up.

" Why are you telling me this now and not earlier." Seishu let an bitter chuckle out.

" Do you really think that would have changed a thing. You would still not love me." Koko looked over at him and let an sigh out.

" We both are pretty stupid aren't we."

" You kinda are."

They decided to ignore Eri and continue with their conversation.

" No I'm a fool, I mean it's pretty idiotic falling in love with your best friend." They both stayed silent after that, and Koko decided to break it.

" It's not like I don't have feelings for you, I mean I like you, but I'm not sure if it's love. As much as I hate to say it, Eri's weird dates showed me that I myself didn't even realize that I have feelings for you. Seishu forgive me!" Before they could say ending, Eri walked into the room.

" This was so cute, this whole confession about your true feelings! I'm actually crying, which is disgusting. All this love inside is disgusting." Seishu smiled at her.

" You truly are love, aren't you?"

" The hell are ya talking about? Did all this love kill your brain cells?" Seishu ruffled her hair and she pushed his hand away.

" Your name means love and clever. The last part however doesn't seem to fit." Eri glared at Koko.

" Says mister who didn't even realize that his best friend has been in love with him for years!" Koko glared at her.

" You really shouldn't hear into private conversations." She rolled her eyes.

" I'm your daughter aren't I? This is like the meaning to my existence."

" Eri how are we getting out of here?" Seishu asked when he saw the closed door.

" Don't tell me you don't have a key." Eri had a blank look on her face, and Koko groaned.

" Well, seems like this all was useless. We all are going to die in the escape room." Eri rolled her eyes.

" I will never forgive you for calling me not clever. Now see this." Under a rumble of fake mechanical things she got a key.

" Inupi are you seeing what I'm seeing." Seishu nodded and watched Eri open the door.

The date ended pretty good, Eri even got a new room.

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