Connecting through Mommy issues

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Eri liked to think that she had a good life. Well, it kinda started when she met two guys who are now her dads. Then she had this whole weird business people also now. She even found her future husband and was already planning her wedding. Nothing could go wrong. Before that, her life was shit.

Yeah, no, something got wrong. Eri enjoyed her days like always. She woke up and drank coffee. -not true, but Eri liked the sound of it.-

Her dads were talking about some weird business deal. Meanwhile, she was texting Emi about their plans at school.

Look, I think we should absolutely accidentally walk into the confession from Hikari. She liked this senior, right?

Hikari doesn't like the senior. She likes vaginas, and didn't you hear about it?

The duck you're talking about?
* fun

Damn, your autocorrection must really hate you. Also, we are getting a new chef boss. The old one had an affair with a student or some shit

Do you think what I think?

Bitch, everyone knows it was Ayame trying to get her grades up by sucking. I mean after Izana my uncle from another mother or whatever was there, he almost shit his pants.

The conversation was cut off by Koko who took Eri's phone away.

" Seriously? Koko-melon I was texting with Emi! Did you know our chef boss had an affair with a student?! And now guess who it was?" Koko looked confused and Seishu rolled his eyes.

" Was it that girl Ayaka or whatever her name is?" Eri nodded.

" Yeah, she was sucking his old dick, that I'm betting with you looks like a raisin. Dad, let's hope that Koko-melon doesn't get one." She whispered rather loudly and got a glare. Seishu was deep in thought.

" Eri I told you to stop trying to get into our private after Eri's time. Don't you have school?" Eri looked at her phone and saw 07:55 AM and school starts at 08:00 AM. She rolled her eyes and continued to eat her food.

" Eri get your ass up. I will pack you something. Later we can celebrate your birthday." She glared at him and before she could even say something he was already gone.

" Can you believe that, Dad number one?! He doesn't even let me finish my food." She got nothing in return, and raised an eyebrow.

" Fine, if no one wants to talk to me in this household, then I will start talking to myself. I mean, I'm amazing, and I have a great way with words. I also have a gorgeous voice." When she left, Seishu finally broke free from his thoughts and let out.

" Will Koko's really look like that?"

Eri was walking with Emi to school and were talking about all the news they missed over the weekend.

'' do you think everyone knows about it? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised. Can't believe there are still some guys who are into her.'' Eri rolled her eyes.

'' oh please you know how guys are, they want the quickest way at getting their dick wet. Ayame opens her legs more than I see my mother.''

'' did she text you? I mean it's almost been 2 months since your secret adoption to this weird gay cult or whatever they are? Not to mention your birthday.'' Emi questioned while getting something from a vending mashine.

'' nope, she sent me last week some money and told me to buy food. I think I bought a cute shirt with it.'' Emi raised an eyebrow.

'' aren't you getting like millions in cash from your dads, I hope I have said that enough times that I love them. I mean, they are weird and know how to dress. Perfect combination.'' Eri giggled at that.

'' they may have a good sense of fashion, but that is it. I think I- wait a minute, do you see that?'' Eri pointed over to what seemed to be two people.

'' isn't that this one senior? What was his name again?'' Eri shrugged her shoulders.

''I don't care, but look what is he giving that cunt Ayame?'' they walked a little closer and saw him giving her money.

'' damn she has some guts, I mean everyone would totally slay as a prostitute but at school? Isn't this how every bad Porn starts.'' Eri raised an eyebrow.

'' I thought you stopped watching them?'' Emi let a dramatic sigh out.

''There are some plots that just hit it for me.'' Eri let a 'true' out, and they continued to watch until the two left.

'' ugh, I can't believe that, we're having an exam next period.'' Emi walked forward and saw Eri stopping behind her. '' bitch, are you coming?''

When she didn't get an answer, she suddenly got an idea and let a gasp out. '' don't tell me you forgot? bitch you are like super smart, I mean like this one-stone dude. He was Dutch or something''

'' Emi this new cute bakery opened, why don't we go visit? I mean, it's better than sitting near Ayame and getting whatever disease she got.'' Emi seemed to think and let a groan out.

''I would, but I can't. My mother was going a few days ago, all mother on me because I have missed so many days.'' Eri grinned at that.

'' it's a good day to have a mother who doesn't even remember your name. I'm going to text one of these guys my dads hang around. You have fun with school.'' Emi gasped.

'' are you serious?! The betrayal i'm feeling right now is worse than that of a wife whose husband cheated on her. You are really a bitch.'' Eri gave her a blowing kiss. '' I'm using my free pass, love you too! Text me late.''

'' I HATE YOU! BUT BUY ME FOOD, OK?'' Eri gave her thumbs up and continued to walk away. She texted in the group chat -where Koko wasn't in- that she needed someone to pick her up. With a long text where was written why she should get her own car.

She played some games on her phone while she waited, and then she heard a voice behind her.

'' Eri? Where is your friend?'' she turned and saw her mother. She had her work clothes on and seemed to come back from Eri's old house.

'' Emi is getting us something.'' she lied and didn't feel a bit guilty about it.

'' don't cause trouble, alright? I don't have time to come to your school.'' she rolled her eyes.

'' Consider my feelings hurt. Go on and pretend I don't exist, I don't really care, actually.'' Eri's mother shook her head.

''Now you're being dramatic again... I do so many things for you and you're so ungrateful. What am I supposed to do with you? Why didn't I get a daughter that listens to me? My life went downhill when I had you.'' she didn't seem to be talking with Eri anymore and was more talking with herself.

''Look, mother dearest, I don't have time for your mental breakdown. Call me when you are less toxic, I have a date with myself.'' her mother shook her head and walked away from Eri. Muttering about how ungrateful she was.

Eri watched her walk away, She didn't care about her so-called mother, yes she has given birth to her, but that was it. Sometimes people say we can't choose our parents, but Eri wouldn't agree. She had two cool gay dads who were the complete opposite.

'' was that your mother.'' Eri let a scream out and turned behind her. There stood Izana and she rolled her eyes.

'' damn, grandfather, don't do this to me. I'm too pretty to die.'' Izana rolled his eyes and watched after the woman who left.

'' is she?'' Eri rolled her eyes.

'' she gave birth to me, but that's it. I don't have any feelings left for her, she is a bitch.'' Izana smacked her head and she glared at him.

'' Mothers are the worst.'' Eri looked at him confused and let a gasp out, '' OMG! Do you have some secret mommy issues?! That is like such a plot twist! I need information!'' Izana watched as she talked his ear off but began to smile a little.

Who would have thought that soon everything would go downhill...

Well..... shit is going to get real

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