The Stormy day.. (eobard wells)

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Last night i have fell asleep at work, i work at s.t.a.r. labs with Barry Allen, cisco Ramon, Caitlin snow and the Harrison wells. I basically work with the FLASH! cool right? I'm a Mechanical Engineer an a programmer and I'm sort of a scientist, thanks to Dr.Wells he teaches me a lot of scientist stuff. and if I'm going to be honest I have a crush on him, I've had one for a while now..

Anyways I have fell asleep at work and I woke up on my desk with a blanket on me, Wait I don't remember getting a blanket..? Anyways I get up and check what time it is since its pretty dark. Wow 4AM No one is here right now I hear load storm sound I look out a window to see it storming pretty badly. As I'm getting away from the window out of no where Dr. Wells Rolls in i pretty much jump and yell for half a second Wells starts laughing at me quietly then he says 

"Its good to see you to Ms Y/L" I then turn red out of embarrassment but then manage to say "Your here early today Dr Wells" He then says "I actually slept here last night. I also let the others know today you guys can take the day off Due to the storm" i nod and say "Oh okay, That explains why I had a blanket on me! anyways then i should get going.." As you walk away he stops you and says "Actually, i was thinking you could stay here. Besides I don't feel comfortable with you leaving in this weather, You'd get very sick and we cant afford to have the best member of team flash absent" he finishes with a wink And you start to blush and you think to your self, "did he just call me the BEST member of team flash..?" I smile to my self and i say "Thank you Dr. Wells, But what are we going to do here for god knows how long till the storm ends..?" He sits there and dose that thinking face of his and says "We could watch movies. Cisco had brought some movies the other day and a tv." I respond with a smile then i say "That sounds fine"

I later set up the TV in the middle of the cortex and a couch to sit on. Meanwhile Dr. Wells is working on some modifications for the meta proof jail cells. Once I'm done I call Dr Wells. He rolls in with a smile on that sweet face of his. He says "I can sit on my chair" I then say "I think it could have a break for a couple hours" He doesn't want to argue so he shows a soft smile and a nod in acceptance. He rolls next to the couch, the far end and attempts to get up by him self. as your watching him you ask "Do you need help?" he responds with "No I'm fine I've done this before" You nod. He tries to put himself on the couch but then falls on the floor hitting his arm hard on the chair wheel, you run to him and he grunts in pain and you look at his arm then back at him then you say "next time be honest, not tough" He avoids eye contact you help him up and put him on the couch.

You grab an ice pack and tape it onto his arm where he hit it, He's looking into your eyes since they have no where else to look but your busy trying to get the tape to stay on his arm without sliding down his arm. its been about 7 mins of that he puts his other hand on you and takes it off then says "It doesn't hurt anymore." You guys look into each others eyes for a long 2 mins, But this time you two are feeling a way you've never felt for someone before... 

You guys FINALLY sit down to watch a movie. Its about 3pm and you show Wells the selection of movies "So there is the toy story, Matrix, Captain America The First Avenger, The Titanic an-" You get cut off by Wells saying "The Notebook, Its an amazing movie, Have you seen it before?" you look at it and shake your head he then says "Lets watch it then. Only if your fine with it." You shrug and say putting it in the player "doesn't hurt to watch something new!" You sit down next to him and hand him a blanket and you grab a blanket for yourself too.

a couple hours has passed by and the storm has done nothing but got worse. by the time the movie ended the power went out. You and wells are sitting down next to each other in awkward silence, Wells's stomach growl's and you look at him and say "big belly burger?" His face goes red out of embarrassment but he nods. Its about 9PM and the food that u guys ordered came in, you two completely demolished it. The power goes back on and you guys decide to watch another movie. Wells says "I'm not the biggest Marvel fan But i know you ADORE toy story so toy story matrix or the titanic" You laugh at his sarcasm then you say "I've seen the matrix too many times, so did i see titanic as many but i like the titanic more so-" Wells cuts u off and says "Titanic it is!"

an hour goes by and both of you are getting a little tired. You can see Harry's head slowly falling to your shoulder but he catches himself 5 mins later an exposition from harrys side of the room gose off which force pushes him where he's on top of you, and you under him. Noses 1 inch away from each other. You ask "Wh-What was that?" he looks behind him and says "I forgot an experiment on the table and i guess it was there for too long" There was no fire so everything seemed fine other then the fact he's right on top of you. Both of you lost in each others eyes you quietly say to him "D-Dr. Wells do you n-need help getting u-up..?" he still looking into your eyes "Actually Ms. Y/L, I think I'm fine exactly where i am..." You both lean in. you may be under him but you still have advantages.. 

Next thing I know I'm being straddled by THE Harrison wells, well i mean without his legs since he is paralyzed- We are making out in rhythm, totally forgetting about the movie, being honest totally forgetting about everything on this world other then him. it gets more intense with my hands digging into his hair and his hands rubbing my waist. i flip him over so HE'S the one under me and I'm the one on top of him.. we continue making out for a long time, then at some point the storm stops about 11:30PM Harry looks at me and says "Storms gone, Your free to leave" I smirk and respond with a "Actually Dr. Wells, I think I'm fine exactly where i am.." he smirks understanding the reference. I get comfy on him and i grab the blanket covering us from freezing to death because did i mention that the cortex is like the ice age at night during January? Not too long after we both end up falling asleep like that. Like its just us in the world, in the universe, in the multi-verse..

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