Just for the act (Harry wells 2)

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It's an ordinary Saturday and I'm heading to star labs since Cisco, my little brother has asked me for a hand for the month and I've got nothing better to do.. it's about 12am and I walk into the cortex and say "Hey everyone" everyone else there says hi back-

 well expect Harry he continued doing whatever he was working on. We aren't good friends, I wouldn't even consider us friends. Every time we talk it turns into an argument, last time we argued told me "Maybe if you weren't so annoying for one day of your life and where actually USEFULL, we would've caught this meta ages ago?!" Then I responded with "Call me whatever you want. Doesn't change the fact you an old guy hanging out with younger people And since your so useful tell me why your daughter kicked you off the team YOU STARTED FOR HER?" He paused for a moment looked at me with pain and walked out.. haven't talked to him since that day which was a 3 days ago, we would just make eye contact.

 Barry walked in and said "There is group of metas terrorizing the city, they call them selfs the 'wet bandits'" Cisco responds with "Yeah I've heard, I actually have a lead on them and where a couple of there guys will be tonight" Caitlin asks "Wow Cisco, how'd you figure that out so fast?" Cisco says pulling up a picture of two guys "Trust me, I'm a ninja when it comes to finding the guy we need, in this case a group. that is randy and Paul they are working at a ball" Barry says "Oh okay so I can just i take them and put them in the cell" Cisco then says "Oh hold your horses Romeo, we don't know what their powers are and it could be anything, most likely deadly so best thing is if someone goes under cover." Barry says "I can't really go, I promised iris me and her would have a date tonight since we haven't spend quality time in a long time.." Caitlin says "Yeah me neither I am helping joe with a case and i need to identify the suspect with very little dna asap" Barry says "Well, Y/N? You down to go?" You say "Sure, I don't have anything better to do other then watch Netflix all night." Then Cisco crashes the conversation saying "If you want to go your going with someone, 2 reasons why. First I'm your brother and I don't feel comfortable sending you to a ball full of dirty men, Second it will be suspicious that your there alone" Harry is still in the corner working on something. Caitlin asks "Well Harry can go with you-" you and Harry yell at the same time "NOPE" It's silent for a minute till Barry says "How about Harry just goes.. alone?" Cisco says sarcastically "Yeah sure let's send a man who looks exactly like a man who is dead, famous, and if he was alive would be in jail for murder, ALONE."

 Everyone started arguing about who's going then Harry finally crashed the conversation saying "FINE, I'll go with Y/N!" Everyone went silent and you said "Him? Seriously? I'd rather go with the homeless man across the street then go with HIM" you said the last part pointing at him, Harry has enough and snapped at you saying "WELL DOSE IT LOOK LIKE THE HOMELESS MAN ACROSS THE STREET IS HERE AND READY? DIDNT THINK SO, EITHER YOU CAN MAKE YOUR SELF USEFUL.  I DONT LIKE YOU, YOU DONT LIKE ME SO BEAT IT AND LETS GET THIS OVER WITH." You two where now facing each other looking into each other's eyes, you partially shocked by him snapping on you. You sigh and say "Fine." And break eye contact with him and sit on one of the chairs.

You ask "When are we going and what exactly are we going in? I don't have a dress." Harry added "Nether do I have a suit" Cisco said "8PM, I can rent a fancy car to take you two since it's for rich people" Caitlin said "and I have a fancy dress, it should fit you Y/N. And harry I have a suit that was Ronnie's, not entirely sure if it will fit you but it's worth a shot" you both nod

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