Stars (Harry Wells)

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*this story won't have any kissing or anything it's just more of enjoying each other's company*

Your Cisco Ramon's little cousin who is lives in central city too, Your 15 and sometimes you come by at star labs to skip school or to get help with your homework. You make a joke once saying that barry is the flash and everyone's expressions gave off that she was true so that's how she knows Barry's the flash. You're 2 favorite members of team flash is Caitlin and Harry, Caitlin is very caring and always open to you and Harry, well he is just Harry and you sorta have a soft spot for him. Barry and iris are also cool and yes Cisco is your favorite cousin he made that your password for star labs. One day when you where at school you got a phone call from the principal where 2 officers where saying that your parents had got into a car accident and that they didn't make it out alive. This left you in shock and since it was exams they said that after school they would sort out the problem of where you would stay. After school instead of waiting in the principals office you ran away.. you ran off to star labs and no one was there so you went on the roof and layed down staring into the sky.. not doing anything else...

The sun is setting by now and Barry walks into the room with Iris, Caitlin, Harry, and Ralph chilling there "How long has she been sitting up there for?" Caitlin answers "she's been there since early afternoon, I tried to talk to her but she ignored me" Iris asks "do you guys know what happened?" Everyone shakes their heads then Cisco walks in with a puffy face as if he was crying "It's her parents, they where in a accident and didn't make it out alive..." they all sit there in shock not knowing what to say Cisco says "Right now, she needs space. Time to take that in..." he walks out..

An hour later (it's about 9PM)

Cisco walks in while everyone is doing there thing "I signed custody of her since the rest of family is old and away from here" they all nod, still not knowing what to say. Cisco grabs your coat and says walking out "I'm gonna go give her her coat so she doesn't freeze up there and maybe take to here" Harry then stands up stopping him sighs and grabs the coat from him. Then says "Let me" Cisco hesitates, but nods and gives him the coat not saying anything. 

Harry Gose up and sees you laying there he walks over to you and lays next to you not saying a word, it's silent, but not akward silence, more of comfortable silence. You break he silence saying smiling slightly still looking at the stars "you know what the best, my favorite memory of them was?" Harry stays looking up at the stars and answers with a "hm?" You said "when I was 7 we where going to get ice cream and when we crossed the street I tripped and the car almost hit me but my dad grabbed me really fast and in doing so he switched our spots and if the car didn't slow down.. He was fine and he and I was crying. My mom asked why I was crying since I didn't get hurt but I said that dad almost died because of me my dad got put me to sit down on a bench and told me 'Y/n, Any minute of the day, any day of the week, any week of the month, any week of the year and any hear of a century I would risk my life for you. Me and your mother, why is that? Because we love you more then anything and nothing will change that.' He paused to look at my mom then she looked back at me and said 'One day, we won't be here anymore and when that happens, we are always with you no matter what'.." you said the last part voice shaky, Harry is sitting up at this point while you are still laying down. 

You sat up soon enough you broke down in sobs and you hugged him while you cried into his black shirt that was soon to be a lake of your tears. He had no idea what to do so he slowly rubbed your back hugging you back softly, then he said grabbing your sweater "put this on your freezing cold" you looked at it then refused it and said "your warmer" his face went a little red not knowing what to do so he put the sweater down and played with your hair with one hand slightly which was comforting you. after a little bit you got up and smiled at him then said "I feel better, thanks" he got up and smiled at you putting a hand on your shoulder walking to the elevator "anytime kiddo, I'm here for you" you guys went in the elevator smiling at each other...


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