She fell first, But he fell harder (Harry Wells)

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mvvzzn6y4kprivaterel's REQUEST FOR A STORY WERE: Harry, where Y/L has a secret crush and Caitlin finds out and tells gives hints to harry

He carries the big box full of scraps and searches through it, he just came back from a run, in a tang top, a little sweaty but his muscles. Are. Something. Else. He finally finds what he needs and  starts working on some new gadget, but that dosent stop me from staring at those guns Lord have merc- 

"Y/N!" Caitlin shouts bring you back to earth from your daydream of Harry while he's working in the other room, "Im right here! Why are you shouting jeez" you say hoping she doesn't catch on. 

you've had a thing for Harry since he's came to this earth, you don't know why but all you know he is fine asf and you can't help it but stare at him any time he's in sight. You haven't told anyone about you're little crush on him obviously. But you think Caitlin may be catching on...

"I'm shouting because I've called you like 6 times? Are you okay do you need a hearing doctor?" Caitlin asks sarcastically, you stand up and say "I was just- uh, listening to music! And I had my AirPods in my ears so I couldn't hear ya" You say with an innocent smile. She looks over at you walks toward you, and pulls out your AirPods from her pocket and helds them up "These AirPods?" BUSTED  Is all you can think, you try to play it cool and say "Yeahhh those ones, thanks for grabbing them for me," you grab them from her hand and try to walk away but she stops you with her words saying "I also recall you, literally drooling." You turn around and say, "you did? I was? No idea, thanks for telling me that. I think I'm just gonna go now.." right before you walk out she stops you and looks over at where you were sitting, then at you're little view of Harry's office through a window as she scrunches her eyes, when she gets it she gasps, a little too loud and you knew she figured it out but before you could stop her she says a little too loud "YOU HAVE A CRUSH FOR HARRY?!"

Harry somehow managed to hear that and he looks over at you two you. You then yell "P-POTTER! you know Harry Potter?" He stays looking at you guys for a couple more seconds then nods slowly and says "Sure" and Bose back to doing what ever.

Caitlin is covering her mouth in shame and you drag her into the timevault "CAITLIN!?" You yell at her, she then yells back "SORRY SORRY" you stay looking in the opposite direction for a minute then you turn around and walk towards her and say dead serious "Do. Not. Tell. Any. One." She then stares at you for a couple seconds then dies out of laughter, you don't get why she's laughing so you look at her a little concerned hinting that you have no idea what she's laughing about, when she gets your face message she gets her self together, still giggling a bit and says "I've never seen someone THAT. Dead serious about a 'hallway crush' " you then roll you're eyes and say "Caitlin, it's more then a hallway crus-" she cuts you of and says "do you have his number?" You then say after a second "No?-" she then says "Have you ever helped him with his tech?" You then answer "" she asks again with "Have you two even Exchanged words within the last week??" You then look around quietly and then say confidently, "YES" Caitlin not believing you, she crosses her arms and asks "Oh really? When?" You then say "4 minutes ago" with an innocent smile. She then scoffs sarcastically "THAT DOSS NOT COUNT. Hall way crush" you yell at her back and say "NOT" she then chuckles a little bit grabbing her laptop saying with a smirk "you've even started to pick up his vocabulary" you then roll you're eyes and follow her out the time vault and say "WAIT" you guys walk in the hall and she says "what?" You say anxiously "You're not gonna tell anyone, right" she then smirks and says about what?" You then growl and say with a annoyed adituted "You know what." She says "but I want to hear you say it" you roll you're eyes and wispier under you're breath "fuckin hell" and then you say "About Harry" she responds teasingly "what about Harry?" You get furious and say "ABOUT ME HAVING A FUCKING CRUSH ON THE MAN" a couple seconds after you say that Harry walks through the hall and says "what about me?" You then panic, on the inside and just say "NOTHING" and you drag Caitlin into the empty cortex, before you can flip out on her she says "I won't tell anyone" with a innocent smile She then grabs her phone and starts typing something then grabs you're phone and types something, you don't know what's she's doing so you ask "Caitlin what are you doin-" before you can finish she give you you're phone and says "all you're problems are solved" you look and see she added Harry's number on you're phone, and CHANGED HIS NAME TO HALLWAY CRUSH "CAITLIN!?" She then says "just helping, with a smirk, she also sent him "Hey it's Y/n! ❤️❤️" you yell at her  "CAITLIN I SWEAR TO GOD, WHY THE HEARTS OMH" but you realized she already left, Honestly if she haven't had left you probably would've committed a murder.

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