"You're all right kiddo" -Harry Wells

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s4nne_x's request!!!

You're a family friend of Barry's and figured out on you're own that Barry was the Flash, so he lets you hang out at star labs whenever you want. You are 19, you graduated at 17 since you skipped a grade and you are in college studying mechanical engineering and programming. So every now and then you'd swing around Star-labs for help from Cisco and occasionally Felicity when she's there, or just cause you were bored since you're college isn't too far from Star-labs. In this case it's the second option and they've been fighting zoom recently so you've been helping a little bit every now and then. Harry Wells is pretty cool too, you have a bit of a soft spot for him, you don't exactly LIKE him, but you have some type of feelings for him.

In this case you were bored and all you're friends are at a party, an illegal party with alcohol and stuff so your parents told you to go chill at Star-labs instead.

 Cisco and Caitlin were really busy tracking Zoom and honestly, you couldn't keep up with what they were doing, Barry and Iris were also too busy to hang out with so you decided to give good old harry wells a visit.

You walked in and when you went in Harry yelled before turning around "RAMON I SAID TO GET OU-" But when he saw your face he softened down. He said "Y/n, I didn't know you were here" you chuckled and said "Well now you do" he then went back to focus on his work and asked "What's up, what do you need?" You then sat down in the seat next to him, not too far but not too close "nothing. I'm just bored and everyone else is busy so i thought i could chill here with you. I know you're not a fan of someone in your ear asking you a question every second so I'll just watc-" you said rambling a little shy but he cuts you off, smiled slightly and says "You're alright kiddo, you're fine to 'chill' here" you've never seen him smile before, honestly he's really cute when he smiles he needs to do it more often, you then rest your head on the table, in your hands. and say "thanks" he just nods slightly in response and gose back to what he was doing. 

It was quiet and peaceful, Harry looked really cute since his hair was messy. but you were also paying attention to what he was doing and kinda picked up some new stuff from it, about a hour or so later you fell asleep, by maybe 6-7pm, Harry would ask everynow and then for you to hand him something. He didn't know you were asleep, he had his full attention on what he was building, he asked "Y/n, grab the rench from the red drawer for me please" after a few seconds he asked again, when he realized you werent answering he asked "Y/n?-" but then he see you were asleep. he asumed you didn't get a good nights sleep so he didn't bother to wake you up. He found you cute while you were asleep, it kinda melted him from the inside.

 but he seen that you looked a little uncomfortable so he went and grabed a blanket and put it on the little couch across from him. he then went over to you and tried to wake you up to move to the couch. you were deep sleeping and wouldn't wake, he hesitated big time but he could watch you sleep on cisco's uncomfortable work table so he kinda carried you, he stayed respectful to how he held you. he kinda just dragged you to the couch, when he went to let you go, you held onto him really tight, hugging him out of fear, and you started crying, Harry kinda panicked didnt know what to do and concerningly said "Y/n are you okay?!?" you started saying in you're sleep "Mom don't go, Please mom I'm begging you, it scawy out there." he then realized that you were sleeping, that you were having a nightmare. He then set you down on the couch getting out of you're grip and saying "You're alright kiddo, its just me, Harry." he said caressing you're hair. You calmed down and leaned into his touch. He stayed like that till you fell back to sleep. He went back to his work. Looking at you every now and then to make sure you're okay/comfortable. 

About another hour later, Barry walks in and says "Alright I've gotta go Harry, Where's Y/n I told her parents I'd drop her off." Harry then said "She's asleep, I could drop her off." Barry then looks over at you and said a little shocked. "Wow, her dad has been telling me she hasn't got good sleep ever since- you know right?" Barrys face dropped sad at the last part. harry shook his head in curiosity, Barry explains "A few months ago, her mom died in a meta attack. And Y/n knew there was metas where she was going and her mom still went, she never came back.. Her dad ended up marrying his secretary, Her and Y/n never gets along so thats why shes here a lot.." Harry looked sad, he thought that explains the nightmare                                                                                        Barry then changed the subject and said "Anyways thanks Harry, I had stuff to do anyways, good night!" Barry left and harry said "G'night.." looking back at you in awe, you looked scared. but at the same time safe...

Its about 10pm now and you wake up while Harry is working equations on his board. You get up and rub you're eyes then you see Harry's figure, not knowing who it is you ask "Where am I..?" Harry then turns around and softly smiles at you and says "same place you were at last, you fell asleep" you then ask "How long have i been out..?" in a morningish voice, harry melted inside of how cute you were, but then shook it off and said "about a few hours, Its about 10pm now so since you're up lets go, I told barry I'd drop you off at your house" you nodded and said "Alright I'll be right back" you walk into the bathroom and wash up, then you leave and see harry ready with car keys in his hands. You then take them from him and say "I thought we could walk maybe? I need the fresh air and you do too. Besides my house is just a few blocks away" he then said "Uhhh.. alright" you guys go down the elavator and start walking, its silent, but not akward slience. more like comfortable silence.. Harry wants to ask about the nightmare but you probally wouldn't want to talk about it so he just says "Hey Y/n, I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever want to talk" you then look at him confused but then realize "Okay, sure.. Why are you saying this?" he then sighs and says "You had a nightmare.." You stay quiet, he continues "So I just want you to know, if you ever want to talk about anything I'm here for you.." you smile and say "thanks harry" he smiles slightly and you guys continue walkng. once you get to your house you say "thats my house" he then says "Oh okay," you hug him, its unexpected but you pull away quick and say quickly "Sorry.." He smiles and says "You're alright kiddo" and pulls in for a hug. After he pulls away and you say running to your house "Good night Harry!" he then responds "G'night Y/n!!" and he smiles at you and says to him self walking back home.. She is just something else...


HARRISON WELLS - IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now