first mission

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Moon: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I regret this!!!
Jet: stop shouting and keep riding! This is all you and Gopals fault!!
Gopal: dey!!! How is this my fault?!
Moon: and mine too?!!
Ash: are you 2 serious?


Kokoci: alright here we are, Ochobot you will go with them, after they are done here you can teleport them to the next plannet ok?
Ochobot: got it commander
Ash: oh geez... Lets hope he stays safe
Arthur: relax as long as we're here, he'll be fine
Kokoci: ok Motorbot, give them a vehicle to travel in
Motorbot: ok!

Motorbot made everyone their own personal vehicles, Ash motorbike looks familiar for some reason

Moon: wooooow!!! So cool!!
Jet: nice we got our own motorcycle!
Rudy: we don't even know how to drive it
Ash: you'll get there eventually
Fang: ok everyone, follow us this way!

Everyone ride into a forest with pastel colour pallet

Moon: waaaaaaah its so pretty here!
Gopal: yeah but the aliens arent pretty
Ash: dey, watch your mouth or you'll end up getting roast by a alien who was offended by you
Gopal: relax that never happen
Ying: do i need to remind you? When you first got your mission as a Tapops Cadet you got attack by a alien mother
Gopal: dey!! Don't tell them that!!
Jet: lol
Kris: this place is pretty big, what exactly are we looking for?
Fang: theres a monstrous alien who was send here by the enemy, we have to eliminate it before it might destroy the planet
Arthur: oh thats easy, lets follow the track of chaos right next to us
Alicia: that works

Everyone follow the path of destruction, down to the foot of the mountain and saw a giant beast sleeping

Fang: alright.... Now quietly follow my lead and-
Moon: wow!! Its so big and cute!
Gopal: hey! Lets takes picture with it!
Arthur: oh shit...
Ash: lol run for it

End of flashback

Ying: yesh! Why did you 2 have to do that?! We hardly know anything about this thing, and you thought it was a good idea to take a picture?!
Moon: hey you guys never said I couldn't!!
Ash: hey bro, any ideas
Arthur: hmmm this alien seem to have a verry strong body and attacks very fast but it might be sensitive to loud noises, its weakness could be that gem on its forehead
Alicia: you only tell us that now?
Jet: oh sheesh! Its coming this way!!
Moon: quick!!! Make loud noises!!
Ash: oh sure let me just- "i command all the thunder in the corner of this world to strike"

Lightning starts to strike for the trees after Ash command and the beast retreated at the sound of the lightning

Mika: when the hell can you control the weather?!
Ash: idk that was supposed to be a sarcastic line
Yaya: everyone hurry its getting away!! We have to stop it now!
Ash: i command all the thunders in the world to siest

All the lightning strikes stopped and everyone ride their vehicles after the beast, they saw it destroying trees in its path, it noticed them chasing after it and roared loudly, Ying used her slowmo powers to make the beast slow down

Ying: Yaya do it now!!!
Yaya: got it!! Gravity punch!!!

Yaya flew out of her vehicle and punch the beast forehead and it break into dirt

Ying: huh! Nice! Good job guys!
Alicia: we literally didn't do anything

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