the moon

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Magna: well this is a nightmare...

Magna changed back to BoBoiBoy as he stood across Ashier

Ashier: aww~ what's the matter? Run out of powers? Don't disappoint us now, the great Moon has alot expectations for you!
BoBoiBoy: huh? The moon? What dose it has to do with me?
Ashier: SolarBot and Lunar were not discovered by any individual in the galaxy so naturally, no 1 would know of their existence for the lack of record yet you all somehow knew about Lunarbot so i have no doubt that you have met Solarbot yourself and you also did defeat Captain Vargoba by a solar element
BoBoiBoy: are you trying to imply...
Ashier: exactly! I want you to gain the power of my lord! And show all those who have doubted it with its shining power!
BoBoiBoy: are you crazy???! I use my powers so save and help people not do wrong things just to prove something!
Ashier: which iswhy i pose myself as a enemy right here, use my lords powers and defeat me!
BoBoiBoy: what??? Even if I'm going to do that- h-how do i even get another element? I only have 7! There isnt any other elements for me to unlock!
Ashier: hmm.... Is that so....? What a pitty, i thought that the elemental hero could finally help me accomplish my works yet my lord refused to grant him its magnificent powers, so due to this unworthy failure, I'm afraid that you and all your friends must go meet my former kin.
Boboiboy: seriously?! Why do you even worship a flying rock?! Its dosent do anything but shine and-
Boboiboy: uh-

Ashier came up at BoBoiBoy, grabs his head and throw it down to the ground

The others: Boboiboy!
Ashier: don't you dare. Talk like that about the Moon! Its the only thing that can be compare to gods itself! Its...

Ashier narration:
It saved mylife when god abandoned me...
My family was under attack by a few beast... They we're all murdered and i was next inline until the Moon shine apon me, it stopped the beast rampage and even killed them... It saved me... When other angels were about to cut my limbs... It shine threw a single hole of a tree, like as if the god was watching their "unholy" actions so they panicked and ran, but those fools never know, it was just the light of my lord... And agian when a demon somehow reach our sacred home and was going to kill me, it send a meteor to stop the vial creature and send it back to where it came from

Ashier: so what right do you think that you have to call my lord a mere floating rock?! You know nothing of its great power bcz it refuses to grant you its powers!
BoBoiBoy: but it was also the cause of your sorrow!!
Ashier: uh- what?
BoBoiBoy: its also the cause of your loneliness... You think the moon was your savior bcz it saved you a couple of times and that made you obsess with it, if you just think it in a diffrent way, maybe other angels would have expected you as their own! Maybe god would have recognize you as a angel! The only reason for your loneliness was bcz you crave for the moons Recognition! And look at where it got you...
Ashier: tsk- i only worship my lord for the things its done for me, i was merely stating facts, those foolish angels could never hope to know the things that the great Moon could do so what could you possibly do to prove me other wide?!
BoBoiBoy: you just don't get it ....
Ali: catch!!

Ali throws the star like crystal over to BoBoiBoy, he catches it and throw it to the ground to brake it, a universal beam covered all over BoBoiBoy as the universe and its darkness surrounded everyone like a blinding mist and clears itself out as a new BoBoiBoy appear, his hair is dark black with a white highlight and has a dark blue shade colour, he has a black scarf with stars shining in it, the scarf looks like 2 beast hands in the back, chains can be seen coming out of the scarf, the rest of BoBoiBoy outfit is in Dark blue, purple and black, they all look at him as he stood under the glowing blue light of the Moon

Lunar: greetings... I am Lunar BoBoiBoy, a pleasure to make your acquaintances...
Fang: a actual new element?!
Ali: it worked
Ashier: oh my...
Lunar: you've been left alone, was the moon really there with you? Where was it when the gods we're going to banish you? It float there doing nothing but shining bcz it knew you gone too far, and where is it now? Look the clouds has been covering until i came, why was the moónimplu flying and shining right there watching you suffer and not helping?
Ashier: i-
Lunar: face it... Even the Moon who is a god to you... Abandoned you.
Ashier: no... You don't know what your talking about- it never abandoned me!!!

Ashier was going to attack until Lunar extended a bow and with a single arrow, ended the battle...

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