funny memory

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(ok noted these chapters about BoBoiBoy memories are mostly narrated by Fang)

Ash: it was than when  he realised, his mind has been else where and he has start over the freaking page
BoBoiBoy: ugh!

Taufun: i BelIve i CaN Flyyyyyyyyy!
Ash: *wheez*
Taufun: i BeLiVe i cAn tOucH tHe sKyyyyyyy
Ash: hahahahahahaha! Where are you going?! Hahahahahah! Come- sh- lmfao!! come back!

BoBoiBoy: where is it?! Where is it?! I can't find it!
Ash: the hell are you looking for?
BoBoiBoy: my happiness and will to live


Fang: wiat what-
Arthur: yeah ignore this 1, its a joke


BoBoiBoy: huh???
B, i, t, c, h? Piano???
Ash: *wheez* hahahah omg... Noonnonono, read this
BoBoiBoy: hm? S, h, i, t? Why is there a 'h' in "sit"???
Ash: bahahahahaahah!


Rudy: your brother was seriously teaching him swear words?
Arthur: its a habit he dose when he sees a innocent person


BoBoiBoy: esh... Why did you have to chose this out of everything?!
Ash: why did you even came along?
BoBoiBoy: i don't want to be left alone with ghost out there!
Ash: chill, just bcz aliens are real dosent mean ghost dose

Insert zombie jumpscare

BoBoiBoy: ahhhhhhhh!
Ash: .... Pffftt- heheheh shush, watch this: oh buddy, buddy... How was i sapposed to know....? That something wasn't right here ...
BoBoiBoy: wiat what?
Ash: oh buddy, buddy i should never have let... You goooooo
BoBoiBoy: Ash what are you doing??!
Ash: and now your out of sight yeah
Zombie: show me how you want it to be
Ash: pfft- tell me buddy right now bcz!
Zombie: my loneliness is killinge
Ash: and i~
Zombie: i must confess
Ash: i still believe~
BoBoiBoy: this guy is singing with a zombie
Zombie: give me a sign!
Ash: hit me dumbass 1 more time!

Zombie punched

Ash: great lets go


Fang: ok now their both just dancing in the mall
Arthur: lol i know
Gopal: how could he go dancing without me?!
Ying: its nice that the book wants us to see good memories but i really don't know what to say to this
Jet: *wheez*
Mika: lmfao
Kris: geez chill... And take a deep breath

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