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Fang pov:
We all then saw a horrid scene before us, red sky, blood on the ground, dark clouds, burnt lands, it was like a war just ended, we finally found Ash but... He was standing with....


We all shook in our places seeing BoBoiBoy sitting on his feet, looking at this scene, when did this happend? I wanted to do something but than Ash spoke

Ash: so kid, tell me how did the consequences of your actions felt? Horrible? Sad? Angry? Miserable?
BoBoiBoy: awful... I didnt want it this way...
Ash: and what? You still respect him? How can you still turn a blind eye to this?! He could have come and save you! Him Nd whoever the fuck is with him out there!! They could've help you save earth!!! Yet they refuse

We all fall silent at his words... Who was Ash directing to?

Ash: you and your friends, especially you! Put your own lives at danger for this planet! And what did that old bastard do?! Fight robots?! Your friends and family could have lost their lives bcz of your actions but most importantly, his!!! He didnt give a single second thought, but once your gone, what about your so called "best friend in the whole world"?
Boboiboy: w-what? What do you mean? I thought he-
Ash: he didnt dumbass!! He left the damn kid alone with no guardian to care for him!! He grew up alone!!!
BoBoiBoy: i...
Ash: now do you still respect him?!
BoBoiBoy: i can't hate my own blood
Ash: hahahaha... You make corruption boring, you know that?

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