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Its night, everyone decided to call it for a day and camped at a old tree house that was on a very massive tree, mostly everyone were as sleep while some stayed awake

Shielda: Fang answer me this, why dose that but looks so munch like... Him?
Fang: idk, it's just a coincidence, he has no relation to him, and he never told anyone if he has a brother or anything and that guy is nothing in common with him either, the way they act are different and the voice dosent sound the same either, their like total opposites of each other
Sai: still.... its a odd coincidence that they look so munch alike
Fang: i know...


Rudy: couldn't sleep?
Arthur: woah...! Uh... Yeah but ... Why are you up?
Rudy: i haven't slept in years
Arthur: heh that makes the 2 of us, after a small accident i never actually was able to sleep agian so its nearly impossible for me to rest...
Rudy: hm... Tell me... Are those glasses your wearing is Iris?
Arthur: no? What's Iris?
Rudy: its a tech that was created by a agent here in Mata, sadly she passed away awhile after having a kid, Iris is the greatest weapon she has ever made, it could be used to predict enemy movements, control the technology around it and even more ugh but 3 years ago, a idiotic kid found Iris and had it on himself which locked his DNA in it and no 1 else can use it but him, when he first joined Mata academy, the guy was nothing but a laughing stalk, but over time people got used to him...
Arthur: and you? What do you think of him?
Rudy: at first... I thought he was a weak idiot who was just here to cause problems... But over time that some reason changed... Idk if its bcz he helped me when i was at my worsed or something else but... Things just suddenly feel diffrent for the 2 of us all the sudden
Arthur: so what happend?
Rudy: it was awhile after we found out the person who made Iris was his mom and a friend of her blammed Mata for her death so she created a copy of Iris and attacked Mata, in the end the idiot sacrificed himself to saved everyone....
Arthur: and Iris?
Rudy: no 1 ever found it, all they saw was a dead body, everyone assumed some villian must have took it but nothing bad happend to Cyberiya for the past 2 years so no 1 really thought of it that way anymore...
Arthur: what did it feel like? When you saw him dead?
Rudy: thats the hard part, all i saw was a kid covered in bloody  and he wasn't breathing, i felt the ground collapsed and i forgot how to breathe at the moment...., it was like something just impaled me but idk why, it dosent make sense...
Arthur: sounds like you were getting close and it must've hurt when you saw that happened...
Rudy: its awful and disgusting....

Fang: hm? What are you doing up?
Ash: huh? Oh nothing, i just really can't sleep...
Fang: whats with the hood?
Ash: its just comfy this way
Fang: well... You did a good job in the previous missions
Ash: yeah sorry i was stealing my friends spotlight wasn't I? I guess I just can't help it if I wanted to help
Fang: it's fine, it's our fault for not training all of you better, we didn't even saw this whole thing coming
Ash: what do you mean?
Fang: we orginally trained you all for something else... Something dangerous and big...
Ash: like this big fight of Tapops you talked about?
Fang: yeah...
Ash: well be careful bcz i don't think their ready even after your training
Fang: really?
Ash: yeah you were only training their reflexes and skills it's a good way to start off but it wasn't enough, they are good agents but no pro warriors when it comes to aliens
Fang: true... Thats why I'm concerned about the idea that we brought you all with us sience you might not last long but thanks to you, everyone was still safe
Ash: ehehehe... I only trained for the role in Mata, i didnt thought it be helpful for a space mission
Fang: well it did, it helped us alot, you almost remind me of a old friend
Ash: oh really?
Fang: yeah... Tho he's not as bold and vulgar as you are but he was a good friend and a amazing hero...
Ash: heh... And your a great hero too, you just need to look at the future and what it has instore for you, who knows maybe you'll be better than everyone in Tapops
Fang: heh... Thanks

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