mission 10: Admiral!

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after jumping into another planet, everyone was separated into different battle arenas to fight aliens in warrior attires, all the young agents except Ash and Arthur are in 1 arena, Fang, Kaizo, Yaya are in their own seperate arena together while Ying and Gopal are in 1 together as well, as for Ash and Arthur are unknown but due to how strong the enemy are it took everyone nearly 1 whole hour to finally defeat their enemy and group up with each other

Kaizo: is everyone here?
Fang: hmm no not really, the twins are missing
Yaya: and i don't see the Admiral anywhere
Ying: huhuh! He must be still fighting somewhere!
Kaizo: fine, lets go search for them and than we can go to the next mission, theres no time to waste
Tapops: right!

Everyone headed to an arena where they heard a familiar voice, making a loud war cry, they enter the arena and see a man in a animal suit, the agents tries to old in their laughter in the sight of a grown man in a animal suit fighting, Ying strictly instructed them not to laugh at his battle suit if not, they will get blown into space

Kaizo: Admiral Tarung!
Admiral: hm? Ah Kaizo, you 4, you finally arrive, i just finish cleaning up these pathetic amatures, are those the agents we we're informed about?
Fang: indeed Admiral, they are the human agents from Mata
Admiral: is that all of them?
Kaizo: not yet, 2 more are missing
Admiral: than find them and lets get moving, we must hurry up and not waste time here
Kaizo: roger that

They all left that arena and enter a random arena where they found a pile of bodies inside, hearing the sound of someone panting, they see a young boy sitting in top of the pile of body

Arthur: oh you guys are done? Good
Ying: did you take all of them on by yourself?!
Arthur: uhhhhhh is it a option to say no?
Jet: holy hell dude! It took all of us to handle these guys!! How did you do it?!
Arthur: Nevermind that, where is Ash? Plz tell me hes done ...
Fang: wiat hes not with you?
Arthur: no... We were seperated after that giant blast from the beginning
But- ohhhh god.... We have to go get Ash right now!
Gopal: why?
???: Arghhhhhhh!!! Ahahahahahahahaha!!
Arthur: thats why...

Everyone look up as they saw a flaming tornado, Arthur sweatdrop while the others are still processing, they all go to the source of the flaming tornado and saw a tall pile of body surrounded in flames, next to it is a boy with flaming fist

Ash: hahahahahahaha!!! where are the rest of you cowards?! Don't tell me you ran off to fight the others?! That no fair!, i was just enjoying our fight!
Arthur: oh god...
Kris: looks like hes going to have some more enemies, should we go down there and help him?
Arthur: knowing my brother thats a suicide wish, him ending all those warriors all by himself and still wants to fight more, hes not even scratched 1 bit, this'll end soon enough
Jet: oh geez, you deal with this every day?
Arthur: only when he fights

1 burned down battle arena later

Ash: woooooh! That feels refreshing!, huh... i wonder if the others are alive, they sure are taking their time
Arthur: we're right here, you were seriously fighting all these warriors for the past hour?
Ash: well i gotta do something to kill time
Admiral: enough, we must plan out our next move, the up coming mission is a tricky 1.... 

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