mission 4

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Gopal: oh man...how many more of these are there?!
Rose: geez... What a pain...
Alicia: what are we going up agianst next?
Ying: its a alien that lives underground, its body is made out of crystals and earth, it also seems to look like a dinosaur
Arthur pov: reminds me of Azdaha lol
Gopal: wiat we're going up agianst a earth dinosaur?! *Ugly Gopal sobs* i don't want to get nearly eaten agian!!
Rose: be quiet, your making my ears cry...
Ash: geez... So dramatic
Yaya: Gopal we at least did this many times before, you should've got used to this by now
Gopal: i knoooooow! But every mission is getting more dangerous than the last! I'm going to look like a thin model if i keep running for my life like that!
Arthur: relax, as long as you keep filling yourself with food, cocco and deserts, your tummy isnt going anywhere
Gopal:.  >:((
Rudy: pfft- *ahem*
Moon: lol
Ash: lmfao thats my bro
Yaya: hey we're here
Mika: geez... Looks like a waste land
Kris: theres nothing here but sand and dirt
Jet: well this thing is made out of dirt so-
Ying: Shhhh! Everyone listen!!


A dinosaur made out of the earth with crystals sticking out from the back jumped up from ground with a loud roar and knocked everyone down on their feet

Agents: ahhhhhhhh!!!
Gopal: Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Its huge!!
Moon: how are we supposed to fight that?!
Iman: w-we're going to be c-crushed into pancakes!!
Mika: no duh! We can't even know where its going to attack from!
Ash: its up ahead! Yaya! Get ready to punch it!
Yaya: huh?!

The monster jumps up straight at Yaya, she panicked and Punched it a million times

Ying: woah! Good idea, Arthur keep using your powers to see where its coming from!
Arthur: Fang on your left!
Fang: got it!

As the monster jumps up from the ground, Fang use shadow hand and punch it away

Ochobot: its really strong
Yaya: yeah... My hands still hurt from punching it...
Arthur: Ying infront of you!
Ying: got it! Slowmo speed!

The monster appeared agian and Ying use her power to slow it down

Jet: ok keep it there! We wanna get a taste at em!

Most of the agents attack it while its still slow in Yings powers and the attack in combined was strong enough to send it back in the ground

Moon: wooooh! Nice!
Jet: ha! How you like that?!
Ash: oi its not over yet
Mika: seriously?! Where is it coming from?!
Arthur: right here

The monster appeared behind Ash and everyone gasp in surprised but at the very last second, Ash hit the monster in the head

Ash: would ya shut up with your roaring? My ears are bleeding
Everyone: huh?
Ash: c'mere you giant dumbass

Everyone stare in confusion as Ash is petting the dinosaur while Arthur is taking a picture

Rudy: what the hell is your brother doing?
Arthur: he likes giant monsters now i geuss look, its purring to him giving it pats
Moon: awww thats cute but also weird
Ash: oh heres an idea

Ash than casually jumps up and destroyed the dinosaur with 1 destructive punch

Jet: holy hell!! What did he just do?!
Arthur: he tricked the alien into thinking he's letting it than destroyed it in 1 blow
Ash: easier than doing the whole song and dance thing

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