Chapter 8

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Fehrys usually enjoyed the family breakfasts, but this one was rather tense. It didn't help that he had requested all his family actually show up to this particular breakfast, Jondure in particular would skip meals if he was too distracted, and now they were all sitting at the table and staring at him. Even Vic, who probably had an idea of what was about to happen looked concerned.

"Thank you all for coming to breakfast, I know you're all busy," he began. "I'll make this short so as to not let the food get cold. I'm leaving the city this morning, and I don't know when I'll return." The sudden exclamations of concern were not unexpected. His mother's silent acceptance was.

"You can't leave," Jondure said simply. "It isn't safe for you with that creature hunting you."

"That creature is why I'm leaving now, instead of waiting. It is hunting me, and anyone I know will become a target in order to get to me. Even any of you could be next. If I leave, and make that departure public, then it must change its plans. Hopefully, that makes it panic and do something stupid and therefore easier to catch."

Jondure thought about that for a moment, then nodded. "I assume that means you're not going to be the captain of the flying ship?"

"No, I can't. I have too much to do. I would recommend Serev, even if I know you offered her a different position already. Though she is an outlander, she would be a great choice."

"And what would happen if the creature were caught or killed?" his father asked somberly.

"I would still leave, though I would wait a bit more to fully heal," he admitted. His mother's head jerked up at that response.

"This is that Alia girl's idea, isn't it?" asked Cobbil, his oldest brother.

"Partially, though the decision was mine alone. I have to find something. Something to help me pay tribute to Luce and her memory. Alia has an idea as to where I can find it, though she was hoping I was in better shape before we went. This creature just accelerates things."

"I knew she was bad news." Cobbil said bitterly.

"Brother, she most certainly isn't. She has been dedicated to helping me get better and finding my destiny."

"Your destiny is here!"

"No, it isn't. I gave up my titles, I'm nothing but an ex-Bishop now. I'm trying to become something more than that so I can find my place again," he said softly.

"What if we stopped her from taking you?" Cobbil asked sharply. Jondure dropped his head, hiding a small smile.

"You'd fail," Fehrys said with a small shrug. "I will be leaving here before lunch; it is that simple. You have no need for me to remain here anyway. Let me find myself, and I'll return."

"Will you?" his mother finally spoke, hope in her eyes.

"Yes, I will. I have things to do, but I will be back. I promise," he said, his eyes meeting hers. He just hoped he could keep that promise. "Vyscher is still my home."

"Then we will wish you well," she said, her voice that of a queen in charge of the situation. "All of us." With a final look at Cobbil. She stood and took him into a hug that meant more than anything else.

Aldebaran felt so much better! The tavern keeper was younger and not in any pain like the old priest had been. True, he had a little trouble seeing with his eyes, everything seemed all blurry, but otherwise things were much better. Even the tavern girls didn't resist his advances with the clumsy hands. Perhaps tonight he could see how this new body performed.

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