Chapter 33

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"Greetings Grollzan, Lovrath spoke highly of you, and he sends his regards," Fehrys spoke smoothly, hoping to keep everything calm.

"And is my father still alive?" the deep voice grated back at him.

Fehrys was confused by this, why would he think him dead? "Of course, He seems to be in fine health."

"Hmm. I can smell many dragons upon you, I thought you might be collecting us," the voice deepened, as if angry.

"Collecting dragons? No. I do seek out dragons in search of knowledge and do favors in exchange. I have become friends with several of your kin. Sometimes, there have been disagreements in the transfer of that knowledge."

"My kin? You know not what you speak, and I like not your demeanor."

Fehrys decided to try a different angle, since Grollzan was just playing at this point. "Well, if we're talking about collecting, I have Hrushmia as my sword, and my axe contains Czanther. I also crafted my armor out of Kraulth. But I still could use another nice pair of boots."

"What!" You dare threaten me? You are an insolent creature."

"I was simply pointing out that I need more boots, I wasn't saying you would be in any way the source of those boots." Fehrys stated simply.

"I would hope not, I would crush you in a second."

"I was thinking more of a hat."

Silence met his statement, and Fehrys was afraid he had pushed Grollzan too far. "I think you have made your point. We could each kill each other, but that would be pointless. What do you want?"

"I have no quarrel with you Grollzan, I simply wish to close the tunnel under the mountains." Fehrys explained.

The massive dragon was silent for a minute, thinking. "I wish you luck in that regard, human. I would have liked that tunnel to have never existed. The goblins had started digging it before I ever took my lair here, going many miles through the lava tubes and then digging from there."

"Why did you not simply eat them?"

"I tried, and I did eat many, but the goblin shamans have a potion, from something they grow in the caves deep in the northern wastes, and now below me here. That potion renders me helpless, it saps my magic. As long as I cooperate, they do not use it on me."

This was a serious issue. If the goblins were still using the potion, Kyrian would be in trouble as well. If they could control a dragon as old and powerful as Grollzan, then he needed to tread carefully. "That potion may work on a dragon, but not on me. With your leave I will try to close the tunnel and let you live in peace."

"Really?" The dragon chuckled. "Never overestimate your powers, nephew, it might lead to your downfall. You're already assuming it only affects dragons. Why do you think the elves fell?"

Fehrys realized the dragon was right, and it was a scary thought. But it didn't mean he could stop. The elves would have been caught completely unaware if their magic was taken away! "Just follow the pathway I assume?"

"If you dare, that is indeed the way."

"Thank you Grollzan, I will hopefully return soon. Perhaps we can have a longer conversation then. I truly am a friend to dragon kind."

"We'll see tiny one, we'll see."

Fehrys strode across the chamber, following an indentation in the stone that the carts had worn. As he did so, he got a closer look at Grollzan, with the light filtering in through the wide open volcano cone. His hide was red, not a brilliant scarlet as Hrushmia's had been, but a muddy red as if he were covered in coagulated blood. His body was covered in scars from weapons, claws and spells, some of which were quite recent. He was obviously a survivor of many battles.

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