Chapter 9

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Fehrys looked down in the fading light as he and Alia sat mounted upon Maltia who circled above Luce's parent's house. The house looked just as he remembered it, well-groomed and tidy. The few chickens and goats around the house were running around in a panic after sensing the griffin, and obviously didn't want to be a meal. A thin whisp of smoke rose from the chimney, advertising the presence of at least one of Luce's parents, though as late as it was, he was hoping they were both at home.

The flight hadn't been easy. It was his first trip on a griffin, that he was conscious for anyway, since the attack with Luce, and he hadn't reacted well. He felt exposed the entire time in the air, and his mind kept imagining the worst. Alia spent a lot of the flight with her mind connected to his, trying to keep him calm. He hadn't done anything to contribute to the trip, Alia had packed everything in Maltia's heavy saddlebags, and he was just her passenger at this point. He was in a daze, his mind swimming with painful memories and his heart tight as if it were gripped in a giant gauntlet.

Now, as they circled lower to land next to the house, he was filled with anxiety and shame over losing Luce. He had no idea what he would say to her parents when he saw them, he wasn't even sure he would be able to talk. He was tempted to just ask Alia to fly away, but that wouldn't be right. He had to do this, as uncomfortable as it made him.

Maltia back winged as she reared back for a landing in the lane leading up to the house. Fehrys could see Errus on the front step, tears coursing down her face. Kehndar was behind her with his arms wrapped around her shoulders holding her gently, trying to support her. Fehrys couldn't move, only stare. Alia finally nudged him, breaking his reverie and he slid off of Maltia's back and started striding up the lane.

"I'll stay here, you go talk," she whispered after him.

He had been right, his tongue was rooted to the roof of his mouth, and he couldn't speak. He stopped several steps short of the couple, all three of them crying. Errus slipped out of Kehndar's grasp and ran to him, throwing her arms around his body and sobbing into his shoulder. Kehndar was right behind her and enveloped them both in a powerful hug.

"I'm so sorry," Fehrys managed to gasp.

"We know, we know!" Errus sobbed into his chest.

The three of them stood there for a while, crying until they had no tears left.

"Come inside, please," Errus offered, taking him by the hand. He didn't resist as she and Kehndar led him up the steps and into the house. They all sat at the table and Errus filled some clay mugs with water.

"We're glad you came," Kehndar said softly.

"I had to come. I owe her so much."

Errus reached across the table, cupping his ruined cheek in her hand, and gazing into his eyes. "Your eye..." she started.

"Yes, nobody seems to be able to explain that part yet," he admitted. He wanted to pull away, embarrassed, but stayed still, knowing the eye looked like Luce's and that Errus might find comfort in seeing it again.

"She's alive in you," she said finally, with a soft smile.

"I hope so, she deserves to be."

"We're so happy she got to be with you, she was so happy." Kehndar smiled wistfully.

"She made me happy as well, I am so sorry I couldn't bring her back to you."

"I know dear, but you did everything you could. You can't blame yourself."

It was a nice sentiment he thought, but he still did blame himself.

"Why don't you come inside, we can have some tea and a little bit to eat," Kehndar suggested.

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