Chapter 41

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"I like the look," Fehrys said to Rek as he pulled her into a hug.

"I was just copying you. Vic still loves me, so I'm good," Rek said with a smirk.

Vic joined them in a quick hug, just grateful to have her brother back.

Vic felt amazing. Power was coursing through her like never before, and she felt as if she could take on the entire army by herself. Having Rek by her side, as well as Fehrys and his gigantic purple dragon made her feel invincible. It was much nicer having the dragon on her side, rather than fighting it. Even Rek looked up at this one in awe. Till it winked. Then she broke up in laughter, even as the army slowly started to file into the cavern.

Was that dragon really the little kitten from the kitchens? Not that she cared, as long as she was willing to fight with them, but it didn't seem possible.

Dountel and his cellmates had taken the liberty of hiding back behind the dragon, though they had given it a wide berth even so. They had evidently never seen a dragon be friendly and were taking no chances.

Likewise, the troops that had seen the dragon had stopped short. They had evidently expected to find a friendly undead army down here in the depths, and not a dragon that was growling at them, as well as the people they had chased down here.

She stepped forward with Rek and Fehrys flanking her. Fehrys cast a solid silver and gold shield of force around them all as they went to meet the forces. She could feel the ground tremble as the great purple dragon took a few steps forward. Of course, the troops they were walking towards immediately backed away from the dragon, so they had to wait for them to calm down. That didn't seem too likely with what they were looking at.

"Where is your leader?" Vic demanded.

"Who are you to ask?" yelled a soldier.

A glowing golden ray leapt out from Fehrys' axe, drilling through the soldier, and several behind them. "Ask them again," suggested Fehrys. Rek chuckled in response, and Vic tried to suppress her smile.

"Again, where is your leader?" Vic inquired.

"Fetch the general!" several people yelled in panic.

"We will get him for you sorceress!" one brave soul answered.

It took several minutes, as evidently the general was caught in the back of the mass of soldiers, and unable to move forward since those in the front had caused a jam when they stopped in sight of the dragon. The general was a great burly man with ornately designed armor, no doubt chosen to lead by force rather than strategic thinking.

"What is the meaning of this?" he bellowed. Yep, not a strategic thinker indeed.

"General, you and your troops are trespassing in the territory of the Duchy of Vysher. You're hereby required to leave immediately," Vic told him. "Anyone that doesn't do so will be slaughtered."

"You have no claims to these caverns!" insisted the general. He was either blind to the dragon, or a great fool.

"General, we're not asking you to leave. We're demanding it. If you don't, then we'll gladly turn you to dust along with the zombies that used to be here," interrupted Fehrys. Judging by the tone of his voice, Vic didn't think he would waste much more time with the General.

"I have over a thousand troops that will make paste from your flesh, elf!" the General bellowed.

"Can I kill this one?" Rek asked in a whisper. Fehrys chucked in response. Vic could only sigh.

"Fine, he's all yours. I just hope his second in command is a little more intelligent."

Rek stalked forward to meet the General, light on her feet and almost skipping in glee, her twin swords glinting in the light of the overhead false sun of Fehrys' spell. The huge general drew a gigantic hammer from over his back and yelled out a challenge. Stepping forward he leveled the hammer in a massive swing aimed to pulverize Rek's midsection. Unfortunately for him, Rek had tumbled down between his legs and was standing behind him before his hammer ever reached where she had been. Before he realized what had happened, Rek had stuck one sword up under his armor to pierce his heart, while the other slit his throat.

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