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Brellior fumed as he entered his chambers. Seeing his anger, a pair of serving girls immediately knelt by his baths in supplication. Two years of planning and yet he had nothing! Indeed, he had less than he had started with, having lost his most trustworthy general, and a dragon as an ally. He had no reckoning of the forces arrayed with Sowyan, but together they could have ruled the whole continent, before he killed the filthy necromancer of course.

"Get out!" he yelled at the girls, swatting one as she ran past him in her haste to do his bidding. At least someone obeyed his commands as they should.

Some day he would have Princess Victoria on her knees serving him as well. It burned his innards like a fire when he saw her flying away from him in Greenglade, and he swore to himself that the next time he had a chance he would chain her wrists and make her his. She would never refuse him again!

His mother told him over and over again to be patient, that their other plans would still bear fruit. But this was his plan! His chance for glory! Now, he needed a new plan.

The rebellion in Marendia with their rogue cities could be just the ticket.

Reaching his bedside, he poured himself a goblet of spirits from the bedside bottle. He always needed some to calm his nerves. Downing a quick drink, he refilled his goblet and slowly sipped. If he could get part of Marendia onto his side, then maybe he could still unite them under his rule. His mother wouldn't live forever after all.

This was just a temporary setback.

"I don't think we met when you visited Vysher a few years ago." A voice spoke out of the shadows behind him. He spilled his spirits all over the rug as he spun in surprise.

"Who are you?" He pulled a wickedly curved short sword from his belt.

"My name is Fehrys. I believe you know my sister, Vic. She told me some lovely stories about you."

"What are you doing here? And what did that bitch of a sister lie about me?"

"She seemed to think you tried to kidnap her, to make her your wife."

"You know that would be an act of war, royal family members kidnapping another. Just like this, you are invading our country just being here." He smiled thinly. This fool would never leave alive.

"That is a funny thing to hear you say after your troops did that very thing under the mountains. You were lucky we let any of them live."

"You have no proof of that!" Brellior was furious. How dare this princeling speak to him so! "You wouldn't dare!"

"Brellior, your mind is an open book to me. I can read your thoughts like so many pages of a tawdry letter to one of your concubines. I know of your plans with Marendia. I know of your plans with Sowyan, I know that you truly want to subjugate my sister and that you have less morals than anyone that it has been my pleasure to meet. You're nothing but scum," Fehrys stated quite calmly.

"You can't say that to me! I'm the prince of these lands, and soon I will be the king!"

"Actually, I just came here to meet you. To find out what kind of man you were and see if there was any reason to let you live. Personally, I was going to just kill you and move on to the rest, but my sister said that maybe you truly weren't as horrible as she thought. But she was being too kind, as usual."

Brellior saw his eyes flash silver and a golden ray flashed from his hand into his chest. He never felt any pain but looked down and saw his chest smoking. A hole the size of his finger had appeared, but no blood spilled forth as it had been cauterized as soon as it pierced his heart. He felt weak, sinking to his knees. What was this? He was a prince!

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