Chapter 38

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Vic ran to Rek's side, dragging her away as quickly as she could. She had to cast a quick spell to make her lighter just like they were flying just to make it behind a large rock.

"Rek! Are you okay?" The side of her face was a mess, with a long gouge from either the dragon or a rock, she couldn't tell. But she was breathing. If not for the new armor, she very well might be dead.

She checked quickly and noticed the dragon regaining its senses. She concentrated briefly, then put a globe of the darkness around the dragon's huge head, then ran again, the lighter Rek over her shoulder. The dragon belched forth more flames where they had just been, and she was glad she had moved. Laying Rek on the ground once more, she poured a healing elixir down her throat. Rek moaned and swallowed.

The dragon heard the moaning unfortunately, and she had to run again as he bit at where they were. Unfortunately, she wasn't as lucky with the claws, as the tip of one caught her low on the leg, tossing her and Rek through the air. She had to stifle a scream as she lost the feeling in her foot, and she could feel the blood flowing down her calf.

She crawled her way towards Rek, then brought out the wings from her cloak to get them on the opposite side of the room. Thankfully the dragon didn't hear them that time. She was able to get to one foot with Rek still over her shoulder and blasted the dragon's head through the globe. With a roar the dragon took to its hind legs and launched itself into the air, right out the top of the volcano.

Vic had no doubt it would be back as soon as that globe was gone. She took a quick healing elixir herself, and hoped that it would do a good job on her leg, and that Rek's would kick in as well.

"I feel so light!" Rek murmured to herself, still dazed.

"I had to make you light. I couldn't carry you! You have too many muscles my love." She kissed her tenderly on the forehead.

"Did we kill it?"

"No, not yet dearest, it just flew out of the volcano, but we hurt it."

"Ha! We chased it away!" Rek laughed groggily. Vic was beside herself with worry that she'd taken a strong knock on the head and was way too addled for more.

A shadow passing over the volcano told her more was coming though.

"Rek, go hide, the dragon is coming back."

"If you're fighting, I'm fighting. I'll be right here by your side," Rek said, stumbling to her feet.

The dragon roared overhead, shooting fire down into the chamber, but luckily not in their direction. Vic readied her staff just in case, and the dragon made another pass, this time getting closer. She could see now he was hunting for them but had to make multiple passes since he only had the one good eye.

"Rek, keep circling to the right! That is where his bad eye is, he won't see us there."

"Plucked that eye out with my sword, I did!" Rek brandished her sword at the ceiling but followed Vic to the right.

Vic kept circling, watching the dragon make another pass, flaming the middle of the room. "Okay Rek, you're doing great." She turned to make sure Rek was there, but she was gone.

She looked around, but she couldn't see Rek anywhere in the cavern anymore. "Rek! Where are you?" she called out frantically. Unfortunately, the dragon could hear much better than it could see. Glancing up at the opening, she could see the dragon in a steep dive headed right for her. She readied her staff and prepared to fire, she had nowhere else to go.

At the rim of the volcano, a blur from the left shot up at the dragon, hitting it solidly in the side of the face just as it started to belch forth its fire, and causing it to veer into the stone edge of the crater, scattering stones and fountaining blood as it flipped back down into the cavern. It crashed to the floor, narrowly avoiding Vic, who stared stunned, then fired blast after blast into the dragon's belly as it writhed in pain on the cavern floor. It took several spells, but soon the dragon stopped moving. Only then did Vic notice both of Rek's swords stuck in the right eye of the dragon. She had been the blur that slammed into the dragon's head by using the new enchanted boots and the lightness spell!

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