C 2

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I woke up my limbs heavy metal and my hands tied together behind my back. It was a very awkward position to be in.

I let out a grunt as I tried to sit up and someone laughed. I looked toward the source after I had successfully sat up using muscles I wouldn't normally use.

She was smiling at me. Her bright red hair in two braids, her dumb look, she looked like a female dwarf. She even had a slightly wispy beard.

U (wtf? This typo though. I'll keep it in.) glared at her. I wanted to spit at her but I had a gag in my mouth. What was happening. Why was I here.

I woman with a boyish haircut walked over to us.

"Wretchin your excused. Go eat something." She said looking me up and down. Now that she was closer I could see that she was the same person who was wearing that fancy jacket and..... Oh my god....

"Now young miss don' tear up on me, we'll feed you in the morning." She chuckled a little, "you killed my bud so no dinner for ya."

I remembered the body that I had nearly cut in half, with it, a somehow worse memory. The woman laughed again at my reaction.

"If you hadn't though we might've killed ya." she took a swig of a bottle that she had in her hand. Oh, this woman was drunk.

"Ya not gonna say something, oh wait..." she took my gag out. you wanna know why it's called a gag. Because you gag when someone shoves it in your mouth or takes it out. "There you go."

She pat my head for extra measure.

"Now why didn' a little summnr like yerself run off to our gread an all powrful leader before."

I stayed silent. I wasn't going to talk to this woman. She was just a rat trying to cheat herself into a fortune. I wasn't a summoner.

Then what would explain that.

Shut up

You shut up.




My thoughts were interrupted by the woman slapping me.

"If yur naw' gonna talk, then I'll jus do this again." She shoved the gag back into my mouth drunkenly and shoved a bit to hard and I dry heaved.

Someone yelled her name and she yelled back

"COMIN. GOSH STOP COMPLAININ!!!" She walked off.

To tired to do anything else I fell asleep.


I woke up to the roughness of a moving vehicle hitting my head against the wooden floor.

Great. I pushed myself up using the wall as leverage. My hands were still tied but they were in front of me now thankfully.

A man stared at me. His face a mess. I looked at the other two in the wagon. One was the apparent 'leader' the woman who now had her fancy jacket back on and the other the dwarf from yesterday they each looked hung over.

Eh. Serves em right.

The woman saw I was away and reached beside her and pulled out a roll.

"Eh, Dirk, can ya untie her for a minute. Wretchin, keep a gun on 'er." The man untied me and took out his own gun and the woman tossed a roll to me. I caught it and started at her suspiciously.

"Come on Rat, we don' 'ave the food for this. Why don't we just starve 'er till we get to Os Alta." The female Dwarf, Wretchin I presumed, mumbled.

I quickly ate the roll as the other woman or Rat replied,

"The Darkling won't pay us well if she's mostly dead when we get there. Better to keep the cargo in good shape in general." The dwarf grunted in compliance.

Ahah. So Rat was the smartest of the group. So I guess that's kind of like being the tallest dwarf.

Ha good one Shii

Thank you Shii

Stop the infernal happiness guys.


Oh what did I miss?

Guys the Rats saying something

Oi everyone shut up.

"... four more towns then were there. You can tie her back up. Don' gag her though. Give her the flask. The most she can do is not get dehydrated."

You hear that guys? We're going to be sold to the Darkling, for killing someone.

That's not why you idiot.

Why are you calling me a idiot?

Not you her.

Which one?

You guys are still fighting?

Shhhhh. The dwarf is speaking.

".... hunting for dinner. The woods seem to be callin be today."

"That's what ya said last time. Ya ended up with a sprained ankle ramember." He chuckled. I liked this guy. What was his name again....

"Shut up Dirk. You can' tell up from down." The dwarf said offendedly.

"Yeah, and you can' tell cat from dog." Rat and Dirk both chuckled a bit.

Don't listen to them, you might start hearing voices in you head.

Your not helping.

Oh. Right.

A few hours later we stopped for dinner, ate another roll, and fell asleep.

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