Marsh's Work

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Marsh's Pov: Once Adam told me, I couldn't believe it. A recreation of belladonna? And knowing crimson personally in our past, if he did something like this.. He didn't want to think about it, but, it would definitely be worse, a lot worse. Genetically mutated in a lab, meaning.. They have a antidote there! Marsh got up quickly, knocking over miscellaneous ingredients and corked bottles scattered apon his desk. "Adam! Adam I know where the cure is!" Marsh rushed to Adams room, knowing that he would be there. "Adam! It wouldn't be at their base! It'd be in Crimsons house! I have his address from when we were children, I know his mother still lives there, if I just leave my eye contacts out, and take the dye out of my hair I can get the antidote without any hassle, I swear I can, just give me the go-ahead!" Marsh was excited from just that, hell, he'll be seeing his Auntie again too.

Adam: He looks up at Marsh "Are you sure?" He asks, not really believing it, it's probably a false hope. "One hundred percent!" Marsh yelled with enthusiasm. "Fine, go, you have a month."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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