Chapter 8: Old Friends

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I stopped in my tracks. This smelly, crumpled pile of man in front of my door was undeniable Taaron. Oh yeah, he had definitely gotten older. And hotter. I rolled my eyes. 

But he was drunk, nearly passed out, and mumbling someone's name incoherently to himself. 

I fished my phone out of my purse and wrapped my trench coat tighter around me. I hesitated, debating if I should call Shaw and tell him to clean up this mess. I checked my phone and scowled. It was nearly 11 now. I wasn't going to bother the man. 

I squatted down in front of Taaron, squatting is so much easier with high heels on, and pushed some hair out of his face. "Monica, Monica" he mumbled to himself before he rested his head into my hand.

I curled my lip in disgust and snatched my hand back. I could smell his breath from here. And who and where was this Monica chick? 

I sighed, debating my options. If I called a cab, everyone would see me dragging him through the lobby and then start gossiping. If I left him here, then my elusive neighbor would see it and it would start to spread around. That left me with one other option....

I unlocked my door, and pushed it open, being glad to be home after a long day. I put my purse and keys down and turned the lights on. I had decorated the suite myself and couldn't be prouder. And the view of the NYC skyline was indeed incredible. If only...

Oh, wait. I forgot Taaron. Would he still have a British accent after all this time? I dumped my coat over a chair and went to retrieve the sack of potatoes. I grabbed his suit lapel, noticing that it was Louis Vuitton, and dragged him into my living room before kicking the door shut. He curled up in a ball on the floor and I rubbed my face. I was too tired to deal with this. 

I left him on the floor, covered in a flowery Afghan, and went to sleep. 

The next morning, I woke up before my alarm which was set for 7. Remembering that I was going to hit the gym before work, I got up and changed into a black workout set, figuring if I left now, I would have enough time to shower. 

I opened my bedroom door and saw Taaron, seated and drinking coffee, in my kitchen. 

I screamed, not remembering yet what had transpired last night, and pointed my finger at him.

"Who are you? Get out of my house!" I looked around and saw my mace on my bedside table. I figured if I leapt for it, I could make it.

"Whoa, whoa, slow down," Taaron set the coffee cup down and rubbed his head." I raised an eyebrow, remembering he was probably suffering from a massive hang over. Serves him right. 

After a few moments, he recovered and looked back up at me. "You look good, wait - who are you?" I scowled and closed my bedroom door. Same old Taaron.

I marked towards him and poured myself a cup of black coffee. "Your the one who showed up drunk on my door step last night. Don't you even know where you are?" 

Taaron winced at the accusation and took a sip of his coffee. He had taken his suit jacket off and I couldn't help but notice how well his white shirt fit him. Amelia, stop! I pinched my lips and took another sip of coffee. Ouch, that was hot!

"Don't you remember me?" I bitterly asked him. I don't now why, but I felt betrayed. "Or is showing up at the doorsteps of random women drunk and disoriented just a bad habit of yours?"

Taaron set his coffee cup down and advanced towards me. I stayed where I was, refusing to move. This was my apartment. I allowed Taaron to get so close I could see that in many ways he had remained the same, such as how when the light hit his eyes in a certain way, he looked positively angelic. OMG, I had to stop thinking of him like that. 

I raised a hand to stop him and met his chest with firm resistance. "Of course, I remember you, Amelia," he said to me, with regret apparent in his chocolate eyes. "We're old friends."

Unable to keep his gaze anymore, I scoffed and turned away and walked towards my windows in my living room where I could see the city coming to life. "Old friends? Is that how you think of me? Even after what happened five years ago in Monoco? Or have you conveniently forgotten that?"

I guess it's never really over. 


Bad Habits by SHAUN 

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