Chapter 13: Screw Closure

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*Vanessa POV*

I watched from the sidelines as Amelia came back into the ballroom, white as a sheet and looked as if her brains had been scrambled. Taaron hadn't reappeared either, and that couldn't be good. 

I watched Rafael make his way to Amelia's side and picked up on her forced smile as he led her to the dance floor. I guess there was trouble in paradise. I would have to act as the love guru later. 

"Vanessa, you there?" I blinked and faced Adrian, completing forgetting that I was deep in conversation just moments prior. I laughed it off. 

"Sorry, I just zoned out there. You were saying?" I gestured back to him and he smiled at me, which send my heart in overdrive. Please don't let him be engaged, I thought. That would be the next question.

"I was saying that you are always welcome to stop in anytime you're in Greece. We have a fantastic collection in Athens that I would be happy to give you a tour of."

"That's very kind of you," I replied with an easy smile on my face, although I was silently rejoicing inside. 

"What's going on with you? I mean, I know you became King and you probably have a lot of official duties and responsibilities, but-" I realized I was babbling when I caught site of Adrian's wide eyes. 

I stopped short of asking him if there was anyone special in his life when I realized I was babbling and bit my lip, letting a small squeak escape my lips. "Sorry."

Adrian chuckled and I internally swooned. "It's okay, Vanessa, I really missed that, actually. It can get kind of lonely in the palace."

I took that as my cue. "So, no one special in your life, then?"

Adrian gave me a wide smile, "Nope, I'm still an bachelor. How about you?"

"My work keeps me busy and single," I muttered. Single, regrettably.

"In that case," Adrian extended a hand towards me and I gladly accepted. "Would you care to dance?"

I smiled, "I would love to."


*Amelia POV*

I felt like I was going to  throw up as I dance with Rafael. I wanted to get out of here because even though I had told Taaron off and told him that that kiss meant nothing, I had lied. I was a fraud. 

I watched him sneak back into the ballroom as the string arrangement of lovely by Bille Eilish began to play and I instantly regretted adding this song to the playlist. 

Over Rafael's shoulder by eyes tracked him to where he took another champagne flute from a waiter and downed it in one gulp. Then to my shock and horror, I watched as he asked his date to dance. It left a horrible taste in my mouth when I recognized her as the model he had most recently had a "scandal" with. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Rafael's shoulder, resisting the urge to continue to compare herself to me. 

Rafael's sensed my withdrawal and laid his head gently on my mind. "Are you feeling alright, mi amore?" 

No, I wanted to scream. I love you but I kissed Taaron. I don't deserve you.

"Just tired," I replied quietly. "I think I'm still fighting jetlag from the flight." In reality, I was fighting sleepless nights where I was haunted by deep brown eyes. Screw closure. I was going to rip the band aid off. 

I stopped in the middle of the dance floor and Rafael gracefully refrained from bumping into me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as the dancers skimmed around us. I opened my eyes and looked deep into his. "I need to tell you something. Would you join me for some punch on the terrace?" Inside, I grimaced. I had botched that up.

Rafael raised an incredulous eyebrow and nodded, unsure about the situation. "Lead the way."

We grabbed some desserts that I refused to touch and moved to a terrace. I rested my hands on the railing and braced for the fallout. "I accidentally kissed someone."

"Okay?" Rafael ate another dessert and shrugged. "Was that all?"

I stared at him, my heartbreak refusing to heal. "That doesn't bother you?" But my heart lightened as the guilt eased and but refused to leave completely. 

Rafael finished his desserts and wiped his hands on the napkin with languid ease. "It was an accident, right? Mistakes can happen, I still love you."

This man just didn't get it. Over his shoulder, I caught Taaron's gaze as he dipped his date on the dance floor and wished that I was her. I guess what it boiled down to was that I really liked Rafael, but I couldn't stop thinking about Taaron.

Someone help me. I was in trouble. 


Waiting for Love by Avicii

lovely (with Khalid) by Billie Eilish 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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