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annalises pov!:

me,vini,rodrygo and talulah had decided to go out and have a drink, all of us had tomorrow off, well technically it was today as it's past midnight but you understand what i'm saying.

me and talulah were dancing on the dance floor whilst rodrygo was at the bar buying drinks, i weren't sure where vini was and i hadn't seen him in quite a while.

"hey T im gonna go look for vini, i haven't seen him in a small bit"

"okay girl, have fun" she replied giving me a wink

i simply just rolled my eyes and started searching around the club.

i found him in a corner surrounded by a few girls and it was so obvious to me they were trying to get onto him

"hey babe who are these girls" i gave him a look hoping he would understand what i was trying to do and held out my hand for him

"oh nobody, cmon let's find the others" he said grabbing my hand and walking away.

"Thank you so much lise, those girls were flirting with me like crazy and i just was not into it."

"it's fine, it was so clear to me that you were uncomfortable with them flirting with you"

it went quiet between us and i noticed him looking into my eyes, i looked back for a little while before i saw his eyes move towards my lips..

"oh there you are!" we both heard a familiar voice shout, we turn to see rodrygo holding drinks in his hands ready to give to us

i'm not gonna lie, im glad he interrupted, if we had kissed it would be way too soon plus we're both drunk.

"where's talulah?" i asked, my mind going off from the moment with vini. i was concerned, she was highly intoxicated and i didn't want her by herself

"i called a uber for her, she's gone home" he replied, handing both me and vini our drinks

"what why??" Vini decided to get involved in our conversation and by the look on his face and the sound of his voice he was very confused too.

"she said she was still tired from yesterday night and that she didn't feel to good"

"oh, i'll give her a call in the morning and check if she is okay" i simply just smiled still worried if she got home safely or not.


i woke up on an unfamiliar sofa to the sound of voices, familiar voices.

"morning" it was vini, i gave him a quick smile still not completely awake

"lise.. do you want something to eat? " he shook me lightly noticing i was nodding back off.

i simply just hummed adjusting my eyes to the light in the room.
"what time is it??"

"it's 11:34 lise"

"oh shit, i need to ring T and check if she's okay"

"she's fine i rang her earlier" rodrygo walked into the living room and sat down on the couch in which i wasn't led on

"oh okay, thanks rodrygo" i gave him a smile before sitting up

vini was sat next to me and i still felt tired so i adjusted myself so i could rest my head on him.

i had placed my head on his lap and didn't realise i was about to drift back off..

"do you want something to eat then lise? you'll be starving"  vini questioned again. waking me up

"no it's okay i'll just order a mcdonald's when i go home in a minute" i had been craving a McMuffin for so longggg.

"would you like me to give you a ride? i need to go soon too" vini asked looking down at me, my head still resting on his thighs.

"that would be great thanks"

"do you want to go now or?"

"whatever is best for you V"

"okay get your shoes on"


it had been a long day, i had decided to just stay at home and rest, i was hungover and extremely tired.

as i was getting ready for bed i thought i would facetime "the scouse bastards"

"LISEEE!!" trent alexander arnold yelled through the phone

"heyy lise wassup?" curtis asked

"nowt much, just wanted to catch up. have i missed anything?"

"CURTIS IS SPEAKING TO THIS GIRL" trent shouted once again, like a child grassing their sibling up to their mum.

"trent shut up!"

"and you just wasn't going to tell me?" i acted as if i was highly offended to get on his nerves. i mean i was a tiny bit offended he wasn't going to tell me but that's not the point.

"i was going to tell you! just in a few weeks..." he tried to defend himself but me and trent was not having it and carried on trying to get on his nerves.

"lise, you're coming back for my birthday in a few weeks now right??"

"oh wow it's already in a few weeks! and yeah of course i am"

"yep, a few weeks"

"you're gonna be old" i laughed taking the mick out of him

"haha very funny lise."

i sat and spoke to them for a while before i was so tired i could barely stay awake anymore,i was extremely glad i had spoken to them i missed them so much



please don't forget to vote and comment!! ily all 🫶🏼
(i'll proof read this chapter later! so please ignore if there's errors!)

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