Chapter 2

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"Wake up girls!" Rhonda yelled. it was 11 AM and some of the girls were already awake, it was just the 14 year old girls who needed to be awakened. everyone got off their beds and Rhonda was waiting in the center of the room with a weight scale to see how much we weigh. I stood in line waiting to see my weight. once I got to the front, I saw that I weighed 134, one less pound than I was yesterday. somehow I was proud and felt as if I wanted to lose more. cause of that one pound, I walked to the large mirror we have on our wall and started to look at my body more. that's when I thought 'I wouldn't look so bad if I was skinny, I look nice now, but I'd look better if I was thin'
"Girls! It's breakfast time!" Rhonda led us to the large garden in the backyard with a large table for all of us with breakfast set up. we had some grapes, a clementine, low calorie yogurt and a cup of green tea or a glass of water, it was our choice. I chose green tea, cause naturally I am a tea drinker.
"Remember yesterday's rule of eating guys!" Yelled Rhonda. I continued to slowly eat and sip my tea.
"I'm still pretty hungry" said Sky
"We can't get anymore, we'll have to wait until lunch" I replied
"That's just too bad... Here, have my yogurt"
"Really? I don't want you to get even more hungry-" I interrupted Sky saying
"No, it's fine, at least I have two clementines" I slowly took them out making sure Rhonda wouldn't see
"How did you get those!?" Stella whispered
"While we were walking here for breakfast, I saw one on the cart that had our breakfast and I just took it" I whispered back
"That's sneaky, but make sure you don't lose anything but weight, that's all Rhonda cares about" Stella replied. Stella and Sky are by far two of the most important people in my life, although I've only known them for about a day, they make me happy to see them.
Breakfast was over and we all had to go to our rooms and change into gym clothing that was prepared for us. I had a black sports tank top with bright line green shorts and white sports shoes. it looked nice but I don't know what we were about to do yet.
"Look at my outfit" said Sky. she had all black tank top and tights with bright blue sports shoes
"That's nice" I said, suddenly Stella came out wearing bright pink tank top, black shorts with pink running shoes.
"That's a nice outfit"
"Attention girls, follow me and I'll give you instructions" said Rhonda as she led us outside the house. She led us out the backyard and there was a long brick road that's led into the woods.
"So you guys are all going on a 10 minute jog along this brick road, make sure the younger ones are with you and run together!!" Rhonda yelled. we all began to go on our jog and I was suddenly pushed out of the way
"Move faster you slow poke!" Said one of the girls. she was tall and had long brown hair with a very tan skin.
"Whoa, sorry" I moved out of the way for her
"You don't have to be sorry, she's always mean" said another girl who caught up to me
"Who was that?" I asked
"That's Adrian" she replied
"Oh, what's your name? My name is Paige" I asked
"My name is Katerina" Katerina was also tall, she was 14 years old, she had hair so dark brown, it made her pale yellow skin pop.
"That's a very unique name" I said while running out of breath
"Yeah, I'm always told that, it was nice betting you Pay!" She ran ahead of me
"The name is Paige!" I tried telling towards her.
Once we were done jogging, Rhonda gave us a 30 minute break to freshen up. I took a quick shower then tried my hair, brushed it and put it in a high pony tail. I put on some cloths and once the 30 minutes were up, I was set for lunch.
"Come on girls, we don't have all day" yelled Rhonda. Lunch was outside under a large beautiful apple tree, but all we got was one apple, half a sandwich and a 80 calorie juice box, still wouldn't be enough to fill me. Rhonda walked around watching us eat to see if we were eating like she told us to.
"Uh no, no bug bites out of your sandwich, you're just going to get hungry even quicker and take bigger bites!" Rhonda yelled at someone. I whispered to Sky
"I'm still pretty hungry and I'm almost done!"
"Well I-"
"Save the chatting for later, right now you focus on your food" said Rhonda. Sky looked back at me and shrugged.
Soon once Lunch was over, Rhonda took us to the theatre room to watch a 15 minute documentary about size. they talked about how being obese, fat or even average was a bad thing. they shows pictures of super models and even thin girls and how beautiful and healthy they are. They said if you don't look like that, you're ugly and unhealthy. I don't know why but I started to believe it and wonder. 'why did I have to come out like this, I could've just stopped eating a bit through out my life and I wouldn't be here' There was something telling me 'don't believe what this documentary is saying' and 'you're a fat and greasy pig, lose some weight loser!' at once and I think the one that's telling me to lose weight is winning. Once the document was over, Rhonda had a couple things to say
"You see those girls in the video? They're beautiful and skinny, they can go to the pool without any flags hanging out unlike all you fat cows! Look at me, I'm very thin as well and guys will be too...what do you guys think when you see a lady or a man who is very big, or obese? I want some answers"
Some of the girls raises their hands. there were answers like
"I think about how I'd feel if I were them"
"I feel disgusted"
"I don't want to talk to them"
"AND WHY IS THIS?" Rhonda yelled
"I wanna hear you all yell this out, all out loud: I hate fat people" She added. it went from a couple voices saying "I hate fat people" to almost the whole room, I was the only one who wasn't saying it. I looked around and saw everyone shouting "I hate fat people" I knew this was wrong, but I said it just to make Rhonda smile.

* * *

It was night and time for us a to go to bed. everyone was talking about the document earlier this afternoon
"Paige, can you help me?" Sky asked
"What's up?"
"I think the document hypnotized me to thinking skinny is better, what should I do?"
"That's the same question I asked myself... Sky, I actually don't know, I mean, I think it bothered me too" I replied. Sky stood on top of my bed and yelled
"RAISE YOUR HAND IF YOU THINK THE DOCUMENTARY GOT TO YOU?" I raised my hand, especially everyone else but one girl, sitting in her bed. I walked towards her and sat next to her
"The video didn't get to you?" I asked
"Yeah I mean, I love my body, The video almost got me but, as a black girl, I love my curves and everything" she replied
"It's good you still have confidence, just telling you, don't let anything Rhonda say get to you, you're a beautiful girl inside and out" I said
"Awe, thanks... My name is Kiera, what's yours?" She asked
"My name is Paige" Kiera had big curly brown hair that reached down to the middle of her spine and nice big brown eyes.
"LIGHTS OUT!" Rhonda yelled
"Night Kiera" I said and sprinted to my bed

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