Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning ready for breakfast. I waited in line for my turn to see my weight. once I got to the front, I looked down at the scale and saw I was still 134 lbs. I felt ashamed, more like disappointed that all my friends were losing weight but suddenly hit me where I thought 'am I seriously not loving my body anymore?' This is the first time I've actually was upset with my body, the sad thing is that it only took 2 days.
"I lost 3 pounds, now I'm at 129" said Sky
"I'm at 129 as well!" Stella and Sky cheered as I stood there watching the smiles on their faces. I knew that Rhonda has already brainwashed all of us in just 2 days, now we all think that being skinny is the real beauty.
"So, how much do you weigh?" They asked
"I never lost anything..." I said quietly
"Awe, it's okay Paige, you'll lose at least some weight but at the end, we'll all be nice and thin" said Sky as she walked away with Stella for breakfast. I was pretty angered, that's when I decided to skip breakfast and have only a cup of green tea. After breakfast, I started to stretch with all the other girls, didn't talk or lose focus on the exercise, just kept working out so I could catch up to everyone. At lunch, I didn't even eat a thing, I just went up to the room and started working out. good thing the room was as big as a giant dance studio, I could practice dancing as well. Lunch was over and all the girls walked into the room and saw me exercising.
"This isn't exercise time smarty" said Adrian. I just ignored her. suddenly Rhonda walked into the room and looked impressed of me working out
"Impressive Paige, keep doing your thing" said Rhonda
Soon it was dinner and I was starving cause I've never done anything today but exercise. I ate all my food before anyone else did, and it seemed as if I was rushing
"DONT, eat so quickly, slow down before you tune into that cow again" said Rhonda sneaking behind me. I tried chewing slowly but I couldn't resist the delicious taste of the food. instead I just kept stuffing myself. Once dinner was over, I was still pretty hungry.
"Ugh, I'm so hungry I can eat this whole room" I said while diving back into the bed. I glanced at Sky while she was helping Stella brush her long, long hair.
"I think I have something" said Stella. she got up from her spot and reached into her little backpack. when she opened it, it was filled with some lunches and snacks that she stole from the tables down stairs
"Why did you take these?! Rhonda will kill you!" I said
"Well I'll make sure she doesn't find out" Stella handed me a sandwich so I'd start eating and so would she. we'd both finish eating and suddenly we heard the voices of Rhonda coming up to our room.
"Oh my gosh! Hide the food!" I loudly whispered. Stella packed up all the food as quickly as possible and tried running across the long room just to put her bag away until she bumped in to Adrian and all the food from Stella's beg fell all over the floor. that's when Rhonda opened the door
"STELLA! Why are you sneaking food young lady!" Rhonda yelled while walking towards Stella. Stella was terrified, she tried moving away but the hard grip of Rhonda's hand got her and took her out the door. Rhonda was yelling very loudly over and over again at Stella
"WHY STELLA!" Rhonda yelled and smacked her across the face. everyone was watching from their beds and tried not to cry. Rhonda took Stella and walked past the door with her
"You're going to sleep in the attic, ALONE!" Rhonda rushed Stella upstairs and threw her into the attic. you can hear the sound of the door shut and getting locked. some of the younger girls began to cry, and I thought to myself 'I should've got in trouble, not her'
I slowly got up and tried leaving the bedroom
"what are you doing? You'll get in trouble!" Whispered Sky. I ignored her and left the bedroom as quiet as can be. I walked as slowly and quietly as I could to get to the attic. once I made it, I unlocked the attic door and found Stella curled up in a corner crying. she looked up at me with red, water filled eyes and hid her face in her knees again.
"Stella I'm sorry" I said quietly
"It's okay, at least I was trying to help" she stuttered. I gave her a long hug as she cried on my shoulder. it lasted until we heard Rhonda walking right towards the attic.
"Hide!" Stella whispered. I quickly hid behind a large box right when Rhonda opened the door. She had a flashlight with her.
"I swear there is someone in here" Rhonda said searching around the place
"No, there is no one" Stella replied
"What do you know?" Rhonda said, narrowing her eyes at Stella
"The question is, what do you know? If there was someone in here I would've told"
I peaked out from the box I was hiding behind, listening to the conversation until I accidentally moved my foot too quickly it made a sound. Rhonda quickly moved her flash light towards my area as I hid behind it, ducking my head.
"Okay...I believe you" Rhonda left the attic. I came out from my hiding spot
"Phew! That was close"
"Umm, Paige, how will you get back to the bedroom if Rhonda opened the door?" Stella asked
"Oh..... I'll just stay here for the night and wake up early just to sneak out" I replied
"You sure?"
"I'm very sure" we said "goodnight" to each other and fell asleep

I woke up at 6:00 am to sneak back into my bed. I slowly snuck down the hallway and quietly opened the door to my bedroom to fall asleep again.

"GIRLS WAKE UP" Said Rhonda walking into our room at 11:00
"We have a meeting, everyone come form hemisphere" Rhonda instructed and we all did as she said.
"Tonight is our first dinner party we'll be having and there will be lots of guests and food" all the girls gasped and murmured
"Quiet!" We all stopped at once and looked back at her
"Here are the rules for you....
1. You must freshen up before the guests come over, you'll have 40 minutes to do that
2. You must be wearing a fancy dress, just like the ones I have for you
3. You must greet the guests properly and have great posture
4. You must eat only 3 things... 2 healthy meals, and a dessert, if you want something to drink, it might be either a cup of water or some tea oh and... make sure you drink more than you eat" Rhonda turned her back and started walked towards the door
"But what if we eat more than what you told us to?" Said one of the girls. Rhonda turned around in an evil smirk
"Then you'll be sleeping in the dark, cold and scary attic for the night" Just then, Stella walked through the door. Rhonda looked down at her in a disgusted look then slowly walked past her like she didn't even see her.
"see you all in 15 minutes for breakfast" Rhonda quickly yelled while walking out the door
"So how was the attic?" Sky asked
"It was terrifying, you should've seen the things up in there" Stella replied
"Stella, you're up to see your scale" said one of the girls. Stella stood on it. She looked down and saw the scale said 127lbs Stella cheered in excitement. Sky found out she weighed 125lbs and she was excited as well, but then I looked at mine and I was 129lbs. Yeah I was glad that I lost a couple pounds but I'm still the farthest from all the other girls. I started to think
"What's wrong with me? Why are all the other girls so skinny and I'm not, come on, Stella weighs 127, Sky weighs 125, even Adrian, the girl I don't even like weighs 125, then theirs me... 129" it wasn't long until I found out I weighed the most out of all the girls. That's just so upsetting

All the girls went straight to the kitchen for breakfast for it was raining outside today.
"Today we will have some cut up cucumbers, a 60 calorie granola bar, half an apple and a side of either water or tea, your choice" said Rhonda as we all took our seat and began eating our small meal. I wanted to lose a lot of weight today so all I had on my plate was the half apple and green tea.
"Is that all?" Asked Rhonda
"Yes ma'am" I took the half Apple and ate it up pretty quickly
"Paige, calm down before you turn into a cow" Rhonda yelled. Adrian laughed under her breath and continued eating.

When ana ruled my life (an anorexia story)Where stories live. Discover now