Chapter 6

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(A/n): okay, this chapter is going to have a little bit of swearing now that their older. enjoy :)x

*5 years later*
It's literally been 5 years since I've just arrived. 5 years of almost starving to death, 5 years of hard workouts, 5 years of being brain washed and... 5 years since I felt the poor little boy Luke... but he's all grown up now. Sky, Stella, the other girls our age and I are now 18 years old. Katerina, Adrian and two of the other oldest are 19. The rest of the younger ones are 15 years old. I looked into the mirror and saw the ribs on my stomach showing and with my feet together, it formed a thigh gap. I was officially thin like what Rhonda wanted. Even tho I still weighed the most out of all the girls, I was very skinny and unhealthy. I weighed 103 pounds. Sky weighs 100 pounds and Stella weighs 98. Our life was hard, we're all brainwashed. all 15 of us girls who came here 5 years ago, healthy and normal little girls are now obsessed with being thin and having our bones show. We all look down on anyone who is over 120 pounds. We all have flat stomachs and wide thigh gaps. I know this isn't healthy but eating less takes away the pain, everyone is addicted to something that takes away pain.

"Girls, breakfast time!" Rhonda yelled. All the girls went downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast.
"Rhonda, I'm just going to skip breakfast and go for a run outside" said Adrian
"Sure, go ahead and do that" she replied. it's gotten to the point where we would skip meals instead of complaining that we didn't get enough to eat. Sky came rushing downstairs in a black crop top and high wasted ripped shorts for her job as a tattoo artist.
"I can't eat much right now, I gotta go to work"
Rhonda was crazy rich, which made us rich as well, but Sky makes her own money from work, she gets paid almost $300 on her shifts.

After breakfast, I changed into a tight black shirt that labels "Grunge isn't dead" with black skinny jeans and black combat boots. I went into my car and started driving to a near by store to get new accessories. Once I arrived, I grabbed my wallet and noticed something. I thought I saw someone familiar. he had a white muscle shirt, jeans and a beanie to go with his side bangs. that's when images of Luke appeared in my head. I got out of the car and ran straight towards him
"Luke?" I said quietly. he looked at me weird. It was Luke, I knew it!
"It's me... Paige" my eyes filled with tears. it's been years since I've seen him and he's changed a lot.
"Paige? The little girl in the green dress?" I saw the smile growing on Luke's face. Luke wrapped his arms around my and have a large hug
"Paige I can't believe it! Oh my god how long has it been?"
"5 years and oh my, it feels so good to see you again" I cried in happy tears. I gave Luke another hug as he spun me around.
"You've really changed" I said. Luke was tall, and way more muscular than I remembered him to be.
"Can I just tell you how beautiful you look now that I can see you again" Luke hugged me again one last time.
"You look way skinnier than I remember" Luke said while looking down on my body.
I was thinking if I should tell Luke the truth or not but I decided not to.
"Oh, it's just baby fat that I lost" I replied
"Come, let's go to my place" I led Luke to my car. he sat on the passengers seat as I drove.
"So... what was it like living with Rodney or whatever her name is?" Luke asked
"Rhonda? She ruined everything for me, she ruined my attitude, my thoughts, my body, everything" I replied. that's when I realized that I worded that sentence wrong
"Um... why your body?" Luke asked
"Nothing, word mistake" I continued driving.
"Well, stop the car!" Said Luke. I pulled up and looked straight at Luke
"What's wrong?" He asked
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, please tell me..." Luke replied
"Okay um... Okay uh.... I was sold as a little girl, I was 13, Rhonda took me away and she took 14 other girls with her"
"So that's why theirs so many of you guys" Said Luke
"Yeah... but she made us starve, every single one of us had about 300-600 calories a day and had hard workouts to do. she never wanted us hanging around people who were chubby, Rhonda always looked down on them. She's gotten to us and now, so many of the girls have anorexia, I have anorexia and one of my bestest friends have anorexia as well. we struggle everyday trying to avoid food over 100 calories and sometimes we don't eat for a whole day. One of my friends, She looks very skinny and unhealthy I just wanna help her but she thinks she's fat. Rhonda played us, now half of us have anorexia and it's hard to fight" I bowed my head as if I was going to cry again
"That's how I got here" I added. Luke looked sorry. he suddenly payed his hand softly on mine
"You and the girls need to get away from Rhonda, she can't make you guys feel bad about your body image" Luke replied
"I know but-"
"But what? You can't stay here any longer, we need to get you guys out, after what Rhonda did to me 5 years ago, I'll help"
"Okay.." I said shyly and continued driving. once we got to the house, Luke looked me in the eyes again after 5 years, later his hand on mine and said
"Even when you weren't size 0, I still thought you were beautiful, I don't care if you weigh 500 pounds or 90, I just want you to know how beautiful you are to me and that I've been waiting my whole life for you" Luke leaned in closer and kissed me. It was magical, the best thing ever, my very first kiss at the age of 18, I wanted this to last forever. Luke's lips were finally off mine, I was speechless, that was the best thing that has ever happened to me. today the day I found Luke.

When ana ruled my life (an anorexia story)Where stories live. Discover now