Chapter 5

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I woke up this morning and checked my weight. I was now 125, but still wasn't impressed cause ever since I came here, I've always weighed the most. Stella weighed 119 and so did Sky. Adrian and Katerina weighed 120
Shortly after breakfast, I changed into a casual white dress, with white flats to match any had all my hair out. I was outside the door waiting for Luke.
"Hey Paige" said Stella as she sat next to me
"Hey, why are you here? Not to sound rude or anything" I replied
"Oh, I am just here to see you"
"Um, about that, I was just going to hang out with Luke" suddenly Luke calls out my name from a distance
"Yeah, I have to go now, bye" I ran off
"Have fun doing that!" Stella yelled. I saw Luke standing down the road, walking towards me. he had his hair in long side bangs and a beanie over his head. he also wore s grey sweater, black jeans and navy blue convers.
"Whoa, um.. you look really nice" Luke said shyly
"Thanks, you look really nice as well... so where're we going?" I asked
"Just walk by me" I followed Luke and chatted with him the whole way.

Stella's POV
"Hey Stell, where's Paige?" Sky asked
"She went out with Luke"
"Oh yeah" Sky walked off. usually in the mornings, Paige and I would sit in the room alone, sometimes with Sky and talk about life or do some morning stretches or workouts. It's her first time with a guy, I should be happy... but I'm kinda not.
"Sky, wanna stay and chat?" I asked
"Um, I would but I'm too busy working on art" Sky replied. One day, sky wants to become a tattoo artist.
"It's just for a-"
"Can I please work without any interruptions?" Said Sky. I bowed my head in sadness.
"I wish Paige was here" I sighed
"What the freak Stella, you have 14 other girls living here who are now your sisters,, why do you always need me and Paige? I don't understand it"
"Maybe because you two are the only ones I trust and I actually like" I replied
"It's called making new friends, go talk to the other girls for once" Sky gave a fake smile
"Why are you blowing up at me?" I asked
"Because I just wanna do my art, but here you are whining like a baby, I WISH PAIGE WAS HERE, SKY PLEASE TALK TO ME, you seriously don't know how annoying you are"
"And that's why I like Paige better than you" I whispered under my breath. Sky rolled her eyes. I don't wanna sound like a baby but if Paige was here, she'd know how to stop the fight Sky and I just had. I went downstairs alone and began doing some cardio workouts to lose some extra weight the next day.

Paige's POV
Luke and I were laughing while telling each other jokes. I never knew it'd be so fun to hang out with someone as shy as Luke
"Here's a joke I bet you never knew" Said Luke
"What is it?" I asked
"Why is 6 afraid of 7?" I bursted out laughing right after he asked
"That's so old, everyone knows that joke"
"That's exactly why I said it" Luke chuckled.
"Sometimes you make no sense" I laughed. I've been hanging out with Luke for 4 hours now.
"PAIGE!" I heard Rhonda's voice from a distance.
"Sorry, I have to go" right when I walked off, Luke grabbed my hand
"I'll come with you" He said looking me in the eyes. I blushed and we both went back to the house.
"So... who's this?" Rhonda asked giving Luke a dirty look
"This is Luke, a friend I met" I replied. Luke waved at Rhonda. I could see that Rhonda didn't like him cause he was pretty chubby.
"Come in Paige" I slowly let go of Luke's hand and walked inside. Standing behind Rhonda, I watched what was going on
"So.... you like Paige?" Rhonda asked
"No, uh I mean, um, yes ma'am" Luke stuttered
"Well you can't have her, nor hang out with her" Rhonda instructed
"What? Why?" I asked while standing behind Rhonda
"First he has to do something about the chubby mess on his body" said Rhonda
"Luke don't listen to what she says!" I yelled
"Luke, you may be a kind gentleman but you can't be anywhere near my girls unless you take away all that fat, that disgusting flab hanging from you" Rhonda said harshly. Lukes eyes were red, with tears filling them
"I'm sorry for my body imagine, I'm not good enough for you and I'm sorry your mom ever gave birth to you!" Luke yelled. all the girls came downstairs and watched
"Don't ever say that to me again! Go away! NOW!" Rhonda yelled once more
"I'll gladly go away" Luke turned walked off. Rhonda shut the door hard.
"WHY RHONDA? WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" I yelled with tears staining my face. Rhonda didn't reply
"HUH?! IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?" Rhonda still stayed mute
"ANSWER ME YOU ANOREXIC TWIT!" Rhonda narrowed her eyes
"You.... it's always you.." she said quietly
"Don't even want to be here where you encourage girls to die of starvation and eat 300 calories a day" I replied. Rhonda lifted up her hand and slapped me across the face
"If you EVER dare see Luke again weather you like it or not, you'll see, you will see" I turned my back on Rhonda, pushed my way through the girls and went upstairs. I was balling my eyes for hours, and screaming at any girl, even Sky or Stella who tried to comfort me. My first chance with a guy's has gone to waste. this is the day I lost Luke and it was all Rhonda's fault

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