Chapter 4

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I was putting on my gym clothing so me and the girls can work out.
"Don't work out too much or you'll start growing muscle instead of shrinking fat" Rhonda pointed out. The girls and I began doing some stretches and went for a 4 minute run.
"I'm not feeling well... maybe I shouldn't run" said Sky trying to catch her breath
"Okay, I'm sure Rhonda will take care of it" O replied. I watched Sky walk towards Rhonda. In my eyes, it didn't look so good, Rhonda stood there looking at Sky in such a disgusting way. Even though, they both walked into the house together.
"Paige, what are you waiting for? The girls started running moments ago" said Stella as she tied her hair into a long long tail.
"Oh sorry I-"
"Hurry up and let's run!" Said Stella. I quickly caught up to her while she had a small head start.
"What happened to Sky?" She asked
"She's feeling sick so she can't run with us" I replied
"Hope she gets better" we both continued running with the other girls.

* * *

All the girls were in the room getting ready for the dinner party which starts in a couple minutes. We didn't have much time, that's why I rushed while taking a shower. I quickly dried my hair, brushed it, put Stella's in a sing French braid that turns into a nice pony tail, helped some girls put their dress on and finally put my own dress on. it was a light green spaghetti strapped dress. It went down to my knees and had some white fabric lined up at the bottom to make it look fancy.
"How do I look?" I said asking Stella
"Like a princess!" Stella said. Stella had a blue spaghetti strapped dress, that's very puffy from the bottom and ends at her knees. it had a black tie around her waste that had a black bow on it to make it look amazing.
"Wow, that's the most amazing dress I've ever seen" I said
"Thanks Paige" she replied
"GIRLS GET DOWNSTAIRS NOW, THE GUESTS ARE ARRIVING" Rhonda yelled as all the girls except for Sky, led their way downstairs.
"Paige wait!" Sky called. I turned around and walked towards Sky who was still in her bed.
"I wanna go to the party" she said
"But Rhonda said-"
"Wait I have a plan" Sky interrupted
"What is it?"
"First get me in my dress" Sky stripped out of her clothing as I took out the dress for her. it was midnight blue and had sparkles on it to make it look like a midnight sky. It was also a short dress that went to her knees. This dress would go so good with Sky's very pale skin, blue eyes and dark, dark hair.
"This dress literally screams your name on it" I giggled
"I know, it's amazing, now help me put it on" Sly put the dress on and turned around so I could tie the back together. it was done, she looked so beautiful I couldn't keep my eyes off her.
"Okay follow me" said sky. I wonder where we were going. Sky led me to the balcony from the dinner part and found a table with a door in it. She went inside of it and there, she could see everything, the people the food and it all looked great.
"Whoa.." Said Sky
"Can you get me something to eat please, I'm starving" she asked
"Okay, but not too much or you'll gain weight" I giggled and went downstairs. I reached the bottom staircase and saw Rhonda giving me a fake smile. She grabbed me and whispered in my ear
"Where have you been, you're late!"
"Sorry, I had stains on my dress that were really hard to take off. Rhonda gave me a fake laugh this time and said
"One more chance" I continued walked to get food but I didn't want Rhonda to get mad at me for walking straight towards the food table first. Instead, I just waited a bit and sat next to a guy who looked my age. it was an awkward moment, every time I glanced at him and turned away, he would took at me and turn away.
"...Hey" I said
"Hi" he had a nice smirk on his face
"What's your name?" I asked
"I'm Luke..." he said casually. Luke was very tall, and pretty chubby. He was also cute.
"Oh... I'm Paige" I replied
"You're name reminds me of books.."
Books.. Really? I felt awkward
"And I love books" he said looking up at me in a smile. I looked down at my slippers and blushed.
"Awe, thanks Luke" I blushed even more.
"No problem"
"Wait, I'll be right back, sorry" I almost forgot about Sky's food. I got her 7 sliced up cucumbers, carrots and dip, a small slice of ham and a glass of water.
"What took you so long?!" Asked Sky
"Sorry I met this boy named Luke and he's so cute, I couldn't help it" I said while giving Sky her food
"Ohhhh, go ahead, keep talking to him, I see your future" Sky giggled. Suddenly we heard footsteps coming up the stairs
"Shoot, it's Rhonda" a Sky whispered
"Run!" Sky and I rushed towards the bedroom. Sky undid her hair, laid on her bed and covered her body so Rhonda wouldn't see the dress
"Paige, what are you doing?" Rhonda asked as she walked in
"I'm just keeping her company" I replied. Rhonda came closer to Sky to see how she was doing.
"You're doing fine?" Rhonda asked
"Yes ma'am" said Sky. Rhonda turned around and began to walk off.
"Phew that was close!" Sky got back up and re-done her hair. I rushed back downstairs looking for Luke, he wasn't sitting on his chair anymore. I was looking around for him unit I saw him at the door about to leave.
"Luke!" I called out running run his way. he turned around and gave a nice smile
"Hey a.. Paige" he awkwardly scratched his head.
"Where're you going?" I asked
"I'm going home.."
"Why the party isn't even close to being over"
"I just have to go, I have a ride waiting, sorry" Luke bowed his head.
"It's fine... Wanna meet up tomorrow?" I asked
"Sure, you'll be right here right?"
"Yeah, I live here" I giggled
"Okay then, no problem" Luke gave me a hug and left. It felt so good to hold a conversation with a guy, but the thing I'm afraid of is that I might mess up. Instead of sitting around doing nothing, I went upstairs with Sky and chatted with her through the night

* * *

The party was over and all the girls were in their night gowns ready to sleep.
"Guys guess what?" I said
"I met a guy named Luke" all the girls murmured
"Really?" Said Stella
"Yeah, and he was really cute, tomorrow we're going to hang out" I replied
"Awe, that's so sweet" we all giggled until Rhonda barged into the room
"QUIET GIRLS!" Rhonda yelled. she suddenly walked out of the room
"That was scary" said Katerina
"Shut up guys or you get the Attic" Adrian whispered
"Why don't you shut up Adrian?" Yelled Katerina
"Yeah Adrian, stop being so mean" said one of the younger girls
"How about this, you guys shut up or I'm calling Rhonda" Adrian snapped
"How about we all just sleep before we start world war 3" I yelled. it all became quiet
"Thank you...."

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